As a new mom, picking out a diaper bag isn’t the easiest task. There are tons of options out there and worrying about a baby bag is the last thing you want to think about. During my search, I ran into bags that were cheesy to completely unrealistic. I absolutely adore my Kate Spade bag that I ended up purchasing, but I am constantly searching for things in it. I made my own organizing bags for it, but it wasn’t enough to keep my bag clean and well organized.
I recently had the opportunity to review the Lily Jade Diaper Bag. I was immediately drawn to the “baby bag” insert that comes in each designer diaper bag. The sixteen pocket “baby bag” carries everything you need while on the go with the baby. It snaps into your Lilly and Jade Bag and keeps everything neat and clean. It is amazing what you can fit into your bag with this insert. Most importantly, it doesn’t feel like you are lugging around the entire world in your bag. Another bonus to the insert is that its removable and your Lily Jade Diaper Bag can instantly turn into a tote.
The Caroline Bag I have retails for $320 and on sale for $250. Yes this is a little more than most bags out there, but this is an investment. You will use this bag from the baby stages and long after the toddler stages. I can’t wait to use this bag when we travel later this year. I have to admit I have even used this insert on one of my blog shoot days. 16 pockets came in quite handy for my necklaces and bracelets 🙂
Thanks for reading and have a great day!