Hey guys!! The Bree Bash was SOOO much fun! I had an absolute blast decorating and putting this together for my sister with the help from my Mom. Throwing this party made me realize even more how much I love party planning! There were So many girls that helped out with the food and it could not have happened without them. THANK YOU GIRLS!! My sister got so much cute stuff! I hired Rachel Blackwell of Blackwell Photography to come take pics as my gift to my sister. She took some of the kids and Rachel in Baby Bree’s nursery and pics at the shower, so I will post those as soon as I get them. For now, here are LOTS of pics I took!

one of the wild arrangments i made

B is for Bling! : ) another arrangment
breelicous bar
the game I made up(that rachel as a cartoon haha)
breelicous bar part 1 (the cotton candy and gummi bears had not been added yet)
the GORGEOUS cake I helped design
rock hot mama(claire thought of that)
she had her party dress on too!
wasnt rachel’s dress so pretty! It was a Fierce Mama dress by Christain Siriano!
I. am. speechless!! OK, maybe not. That is THE MOST BEAUTIFUL shower I have EVER seen! Holy cow! Way To GOOO! (hope you feel better!)
Looks like a ton of fun – you did a great job 🙂 I really love the color of the cake!
That looks like an awesome party! I love the decorations. Are you a party planner?
You make me want to get pregnant, fly you to Tampa, and have a baby shower!!
DANG GIRL! Everything is BEAUTIFUL!!!
Can't wait to see the professional pics!
Looks like so much fun!! Great job!!
I love your white dress!! Where did you get it??
The shower was incredible. You did such a great job!!! I need 2 get copies of the pic of you, me and Christin and I also want a pic of you, me and the pineapple. I want both of those pictures at my desk at work and I want to also give Christin one – we look GREAT in those pics. Hope you fell better, I could tell you were sick at the Bree Bash. Have fun at the wedding and hope to see you soon!!!!
You sure know how to throw a party! Everything looks fantastic!
Love the pictures!!!! I had a blast last night- so much that when I went to sleep I dreamt of yall! Haha!
When can we do that again?
LOVE that dress!! and that CAKE!!!
Everything looked so great! You are the ultimate party planner – have you ever considered going into it full time??
That looks AWESOME!! Come plan a party for me? LOVE IT! 🙂
looks like you did a great job planning! and i LOVE those shoes with the dress. the dramatic back makes the look! =)
Nice dress, but I LOVE THE ZEBRA CHAIRS, and I'm not an animal print lover at all. But I love the chairs……
That cake is so pretty! And I bet it tasted great too!
Rachel looks soooooo adorable prego! And lady, you rock at party planning and decorating! 😀 I can't wait till the professional pics come back!
What an adorable party!!!
Rachel looked so beautiful!! Pink is such a great color on her… and she's just glowing with happiness. What a fun day!
I wish I could have made it to the shower!! It looks so beautiful! You guys did a great job!
Looks like you all had a wonderful time! And boy, what a set up you had going on at the shower! It looked wonderful!!!! 🙂
Tara you did a fabulous job! Everything and everyone looks so beautiful!! I'm so sorry I missed it – looks like you guys had tons of fun!!
girl!! you did a great job!! love your dress..and rachel's too! what a fun bash for baby bree!
What a beautiful party. You are a great sister!
What a great party! I love your dress & everything looked so fabulous.
WOW! You did an AMAZING job with the shower, gorgeous!!!
That looks so fun, I love the decorations. I think it's adorable that Sadie gets to go to all the parties, she's so sweet!
GOrgeous Pictures! I LOVE all the little details you certainly know how to throw a bash!
LOVE the cake! You did a great job with her shower! And who knew there was a Fierce maternity line!
It all looks soooo great!! You did a FANTASTIC job! And cute cute dress by the way!!
was your dress BCBG? i think i tried it on the other weekend…it DID NOT work on me 🙁
Oh my gosh! I love your white dress. Great job on the party.
you did such a great job with all the planning! I would hire you! Everyone looked beautiful and love the back of your dress! really really pretty!
What a great party!! And that is the new dress!! Its beautiful!
What a great party!! Sheesh! Can I hre you the next time I need a party planner? I'm only a few states away 🙂
Oh my goodness! I bet you cant wait till that little girl gets here!! =) What a great shower!!!
you did such a great job!! everything was gorgeous! including you and the soon to be mama of three!=) looked like so much fun!
I love the arrangements you made, where did you find the feathers?