We are in Spain this week and its time to get serious… haha We start off by Jillian talking about what reservations she has for all the boys. The only one she should be worrying about is Creeper Chihuahua boy.
First up Kipper. Jill says she thinks Kip may be out of her league. I am going to keep my opinion to myself.. So they talk about their hometown date and Jill talks about how Kip’s mom is a Doll, odd, and then Kip says he isnt sure if he is ready for an engagement, smart guy! But Jill had an awful scowl across her face and tells him that it would be Rad or something like that if she got proposed too. So the go strolling in Spain and then go to a dance class. Kiptyn puts on a ridiculously, somewhat hot outfit and they both give their best attempt at flamenco. I dont think either of them will get asked to join dancing with the stars, but they were cute. The sun sets and they meet up once again. I was hoping Kip would have kept those tight black pants on but he didnt. They jump on the scooter and head to dinner. They talk about their dance lesson and Jill of course had to mention how tight the pants were in a certain area and then a Mr Waiter man brings out slugs, thats a mood changer. SICK Props to them both for trying it. Jill tells Kip that he reminds her of her dad. Normally this would be a good sign, but we are dealing with Jillian here, So Kipper is doomed. Mr Waiter man comes back out and brings out something more appealing this time…. a fantasy suite card. CURVE BALL.. Jill rejects the card, but they decide to go check out the digs and cuddle. “awwwwe” ; )
Up Next, Reid. Jill says she gets giggly around Reid. I am pretty sure she is ALWAYS giggly. Reid is looking pretty hot even though he looks pretty disheveled, does he has some new scruff? Muy Guapo! ; ) They go shopping for food and they both have no idea how to speak Spanish. It was pretty hilarious watching them try to get sandwich meat and bread. They almost ended up with raw goat! But instead it looked like they pickles and bread. oh and a bottle of wine, of course. Reid tried to show his emotions and of course Jill just sat there and giggled. Later that evening they meet for dinner and Reid is so confused at how he feels…He thinks he is in love, maybe so, Well let me call my mom and ask her if I am or not. haha. Waiter lady brings out some cooked dinner to these two and Jill is trying to get Reid to say he loves her. Instead he tells her he like the way she smells, that he is attracted to her feet, oh wait wrong guy haha, and that its a natural thing they got going. Mr Waiter man’s friend comes out with fantasy suite card and Jill rejects this one too. Apart of me thinks we are being fooled and they really are staying the night. Reid tells Jill that it sucks she is making out with 3 other guys, and Jill wants him to elaborate why it sucks.. Well Jill remember when you were on the bachelor…. it sucks! DOH! Jill drops the L word about Reid in a personal interview…hmmm first time I believe. Is it bad I want this guy to run in the other direction? I think he could do better.
Next up, Ed! So Ed has a lot of ground making out to make up for. So they meet up and somehow Jillian’s shorts got wet, hmmmm They go for a horse drawn carriage ride and Ed talks about why he decided to “try” to come back and Jill says she is happy.. lay de dah, they make out. Finally they talk about Ed’s family and how he would have taken her to a karaoke bar. Wow, now that would have been a treat! After their wine break, they make out…. and make out.. and then make out some more in a fountain! That night they meet up for dinner at an absolute gorgeous spot. Gosh this makes me want to go Spain! They talk about where they may live and Ed says it will not be all “roses” foreshadowing maybe, gosh I read way to much into this haha. Ed brings up kids while Jill chugs a glass of wine.. nice! Mr Waiter must have been off that night because the fantasy suite card was already on the table. Ed jumps the gun and says “heck yah lets go” (maybe not like that), and Jill gives her spill but Ed gets his way and they head to the suite together, but they sleep in their clothes… yeah right.
Douche bag time. Wes immediately talks about music and how he doesnt know much about Barcelona music, but he DID have a number one hit in Chihuahua mexico so he feels comfortable living with the Spanish people, GAG ME! They go for a bike ride and its pretty obvious Wes doesnt want to be there anymore. So they stop at a gazebo and eat and talk, but Wes didnt try to make a move on Jill and she so didnt Love that. She tries to ask Wes some serious questions but he mumbled about some bird not having foot(huh?) and then spills his beer.. wow seriously. I am telling you, the black rose would come in handy ABC, but the Bachelorette would have to be smart enough to use it! On to dinner/train wreck .Jill tells him that she is attracted to him, and the girlfriend gets brought up again. Wes says he doesnt have a gf once again. Jill asks him if he is there for his career. And the douche bag sorta kinda comes clean. Yes his manager told him to go, yes he has sang her a song, yes he did the band thing, yaddy yadda, But he would have left already if he wanted too. BLEH. Jill asks him why he didnt kiss her and he says its because he is worried she would turn away, right. Jill gets really frustrated, and then Wes says that he is most important to him. Numero Uno. we already knew that. I was thinking Jill had enough at this point by the tears in her eyes but wait she asks about Laurel. Wes slips and says that he told Jake about his girlfriend..uh uh.. i mean ex girlfriend. Mr Waiter man saves the day and comes in with the fantasy suite card and Wes thinks they should go, smooth move cowboy. Jill just flat out says no. FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She sends him home in a cab.
Rose Ceremony time! Jill has on a hot little black number that would love to come live in my closet : ) The boys talk while Jill walks up the stairs and Wes, who looked like he just rolled out of bed, tells them that he will be having lots of sex. WOW I am so glad that remark didnt make the cutting room floor. Do ya really think your lame CD is going to make it past chihuahua now? LOSER! No surprise Wes doesn’t get a rose. I so wished she would have just let him walk down alone and not hold his hand bleh! So with shot in hand Wes tells America that he is the first guy in bachelor history to make it to the final 4 with a Girlfriend and goes on a drunken rampage about how he is going to get it on in Spain. Hilarious. I feel sorry for you, and your sad sad self.
So next week we are in Hawaii! Oh how I wanna go back there!
What do you guys think about this week? Who is your new fav since country fried douche bag Wes is gone haha kidding. Was that Kipper’s voice saying he wasnt questioning anything until now during the finale voice over? What happened to the couldnt produce in the bedroom? Did we not see Chris Harrison once this episode, that must be a first in bachelor history! haha hmmmm questions questions!
Until Next week!
ya should have listened to him girl!
This season is killing me. When she was on the bachelor, Jillian came off confident/smart/fun/poised… Jason felt like he wasn't good enough and was intimidated by her life experiences. This season however she seems like a total moron in search of someone to validate her.
Ed is growing on me, I didn't think he was cute but now I do.
Does that chick ever stop laughing and yelling ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
I gotta say, I love Reid. But I'll stop there. I blogged about it earlier. =]
Is it just me, or does Reid look like Chandler from "Friends"???
So glad wes is gone and hope he is a HUGE failure in the music biz!!
Wow! Dra-ma! LOL. I love your Bachelorette updates! I've still never seen it, but it keeps me amused the morning after! 🙂
Great update Tara!
Just from reading your recaps, I'm glad Wes is gone!
i could not believe wes in that limo!! what an ahole!!!! i'm liking ed..
I was SO waiting for you to elaborate on the fountain scene with Ed – WTF???
I've always liked Reid, especially when he wears thosw glasses – Me-Ow… 🙂
Yeah, I was waiting for the "under-performance" in the bedroom too – guess we'll just have to wait & see.
Thanks again for your fab updates!!!
I loved Jillian on when she was on The Bachelor but I just cannot get into this season! I tried to watch it last night…lasted about 15 minutes.
I'm not watching it, but I love the updates- I feel like I know all about everything!
The Wes guy is a whack job. What a loser! I cracked up when you put GAG ME. Too funny!
I was wondering where Chris Harrison was as well?? Kind of glad he wasn't around, who really needs him to say, "this is the last and final rose", DUH, we are all watching… I was so glad to see Wes gone, what a tool bag! BF and I laughed so hard at his limo scene, hilarious, he made such a fool out of himself. I still like Kip, he's just so cute! I could really go on and on… 😉
Wes is a d-bag! No doubt there, but we have known that. I am just glad she finally saw it!
My jaw hit the floor when he said that about sex… and then when he was on his rant at the end… ugh! I can't stand his ass!
It sounds like it's Ed and Kip's voices for the previews for the final two! I am off to now read RS's recap 🙂 Your's first of course! Hugs
Aaaaah, Wes got sent home …. FINALLY! It's about time!!! Last nights show was kind of lacking for me. After all the drama-filled episodes so far, I guess it just felt kind of blah. But I thought Ed and Reid's dates went well. I think they are def the top two for sure. There just seems to be something missing with Kiptyn. I haven't been able to put my finger on it, but it just seems that even though he is really cute and seems like a nice guy, something just isn't genuine. Maybe it's just me? Can't wait to see next week!!!
I truly can't figure out what might happen or who she might pick!
Arg … Wes being on the show for long makes me thing the producers staged it. He is awful.
Rumor has it that Ed works for my company, so he's my current fave.
She was driving me CRAZY when she was trying to get Reid to say he loves her. Helloooo maybe he doesn't love you, you crazy needy lady!
I LOVED Jillian's dress at the RC too. So cute! Thank goodness she finally got rid of Wes. I think the 3 guys she has left are all so sweet – it will be hard to choose.
You crack me up, I love your commentary! And I agree 100%! SO glad Wes is FINALLY gone!
I was so thrilled to see Wes gone. And who should she choose? Chris Harrison. HA!
Ugh I hated Wes. I'm so glad he's gone. I can't believe she booted my favorite…Jake! He was such a cutie 🙂
WHAT A LOSER!!!!!!! I can't stand him!
Wes is just terrible! He can definitely say bye bye to his music career. He made of fool of himself with those terrible 'sex' and 'girlfriend' statements he made. I think Reid is my fav. I love your updates!
Nice recap…I missed the show last night, but I enjoyed reading about it. I plan on watching it tonight! I love love love Kip!!!
I can't stand her anymore. I'm going to be glad when this show is over, but I'm not seeing much love with any of the guys. Reid and Kip are in the friend zone. we'll see 🙂 ps I'm so glad you are on twitter. ha ha
I'm SOOO happy he is outta there! I hated him & he just made himself look like a giant ass about all the girlfriend talk!
Your summaries are great 🙂
I HATE Wes!!! I actually like Jillian, especially her style! Do you have any spoilers to share??
Great job on the recap!! Wes is a loser!! I'm thinking she is not so smart for keeping him so long. Reid is so adorable!!
OMG I could not be more happy to see Wes go! It's aboud damn time!! His attitude and what he said in the limo were appauling! What a jerk!!! I can't wait for the next 3 episodes!!!
I am still in shock by the things wes said! SICK
OK, just watched it last night… catching up here. haha
Wes' little display in the limo had me SO worked up… can you believe he would say that on national TV? I mean, yeah, so the guy is a self-promoter, doesn't care about the girl, yadda, yadda… but WHY would you say those things KNOWING it's going to make you look bad?! He is so completely consumed with himself he has no idea he's shattering his rep. Doesn't he realize that Jason was THE MAN until he dissed Melissa, and now that entire nation thinks he's a scumbag?! No way to sell records if you ask me. "I'm in Spain and everybody's gonna know MY name!!" UGH, I seriously almost threw up. GAG ME.
I still don't see the reason for all the giggles w/ Reid. Whenever I see him I think "Chandler"… doesn't do much for me. haha I was disapointed too, that we didn't get to see who 'couldn't perform'. But glad she didn't allow them to stay the night w/ her… well, except Ed. Slept in their clothes, my foot!! haha
The last 3-4 shows are always the best – nearing the end… can't wait for the greatest finale in Bachelorette history!! haha
and NO comment on this one either? i am losing it!!!
thanks again for the update! i never have to watch this show bc of you 😉 ha!
I'm new to your blog and LOVE it! I am sooo obsessed with The Bachelor and The Bachelorette (dedicated follower since season 1 with Alex)! Wes is such a nasty creep! And do people actually like his music? I love country music, but there is nothing appealing about his stupid "love don't come easy" song!
I'm soooo curious about the "trouble in the bedroom"!! Maybe it's next week in Hawaii, since there wasn't much bedroom action this week? And I was so trying to figure out whose voices those were in the previews!