Poor Sadie Jane….

Yesterday my sweet Sadie Jane came down with a bad bug of some sort. She was NOT feeling good. So I decided to take her to the vet. They checked her temp and it was fine, did some other gross stuff that I will not go into detail about haha and it was fun, and they checked her stomach. So they told me that they needed to do blood work to make sure she didnt have pancreatis, which runs in Schnauzers and Yorkies. GREAT! So my eyes fill up with tears when they take my fur baby in the back to draw blood. They bring her back and she is freaked out and immediately throws up everywhere. Cue mama REALLY freaking out. So I had to wait 20 minutes, which felt like an hour, for the results. They came back great and she didnt have any signs of pancreatis. So they gave her a shot and 4 medicines to take home. She just looked pitiful and it broke my heart. Today she is feeling better and is starving, but I can only feed her little bits at a time. I think she will be back to her spunky self this weekend! My mom and Rachel were talking about how bad I am going to be when Drew and I have kids haha. Yes I will be Miss Paranoid : ) and YES I will be calling you both constantly. Here is a couple pics of Sadie, you can tell she is “under the weather” : (

Here shirt says “I’m kind of a Big Deal” haha- yes you are Miss Sadie 🙂
Also, we went and saw Miss Bree in 3d last night! Rachel and Shane invited us to see the 3D ultrasound and it was SOOOOO cool! I am for sure going to do it! Check Rachel’s blog today for pics of Miss Bree! I can already tell she is one sassy girl! Here is a pic from last night.

Hope everyone is having a great morning! My bestie is coming into town tmrw and i am SOOO excited! We have a fun filled weekend and will be taking LOTS of pics! Honestly I have the next 8 weekends booked! CRAZY! But its gonna fun : ) XOXO


32 thoughts on “Poor Sadie Jane….

  1. alyssa

    poor sadie!! i hope she is feeling better today! i love her shirt & hoppin over to rachel's to see those ultrasound pics 🙂 happy weekend!!

  2. Whitney

    Poor Sadie! 🙁 Big is having problems too! I am taking him to the vet in 20 minutes, ugh. I hate when my fur baby is sick! NO FUN! 🙁 Oh, and I seriously cried last night when I found out they don't allow dogs at our resort in Jamaica… awful!

  3. The Rest is Still Unwritten

    Poor Sadie! I completely understand how you feel! I found a little bump in Macee's belly and they told me she had a hernia and I balled my eyes out! Apparently it's extremely common and can be fixed when I have her spayed. I hope Sadie gets to feeling better soon! My vet jokes that I pay her house note because I'm in there all the time for no reason! I"m going to be a mess with kids myself! Cue the reason for my blog entry today…

  4. Brown Girl

    Oh goodness, poor sweet miss sadie! I hope she gets to feeling better very soon! I am going to be the same way as you, I freak over my dogs, I will really freak over my kids!

  5. Miss HoneyDew

    awe! I hope Miss Sadie feels better soon!!! I had to take Chanel in for surgery (she got attacked by a neighbor dog) and it broke my heart so I totally know how you feel!

  6. Rachel

    Awww poor little Sadie! Hope she's feeling better soon! I freak out everytime my little pup is sick too. I'll be such a crazy mom someday, I just know it!

  7. Gwen

    I hope Sadie starts feeling better soon.

    I must know who the designer of the pink handbag in the photo of you, your sister & your mom is. It's fabulous!!!


  8. Tamela

    I hope miss Sadie Jane feels better soon. My poor baby Echo had to go to the vet on Tuesday and we found out he has a slipped disc in his neck. So I know exactly how you feel. He is my child.

  9. the future mrs Hinz

    glad to hear miss S {s is for sassy :)} is doing better!i freak out when T doesnt feel well either. he always has bad reactions to injections and have had to go to the emergency vet twice and i was beyond hysterical! i feel your pain 🙂

    i feel like i am channeling my inner tara!! my next 3 months are BOOKED UP! goona be super busy – but lots of fun 🙂

  10. Carla

    Poor Sadie! I hope she has a quick recovery and feel all better SOON!

    Hope you enjoy your bestie too. Can't wait to read all about it.

  11. cassi rash

    Poor thing! I am SO paranoid over my little Tyke it's ridiculous! Do you feed her a lot of those rawhide bones or treats? I've heard those can really tear their digestive systems up.

  12. Megan

    I was reading your tweets yesteday, I'm glad that she is going to be ok, I know you were scared! She looks so sweet in those pictures.

  13. GingerSnap

    Poor Ms. Sadie! I hope she starts feeling better real soon. It's hard to have a good day when our littles ones (even if they are our fur-babies) are under the weather!

  14. Chloe

    Oh no! Poooooor Sadie. I hate it when my pups are sick because they can't vocalize it- they just sit and look so puny and pitiful and it breaks my heart.

    Feel better soon, puppy!

  15. Alison

    Aww poor little thing! I pretty much always cry when I have to take my dog to the vet. In fact, usually my husband takes her because I'm such a cry baby! 🙂

  16. Jessica

    Buzzie was so worried. I told him immediately that Miss Sadie was fine, but a little under the weather. I'm so glad that her test came out negative. Hopefully she just has a little summer bug and will be back to good Sadie girl by this weekend. If you're out in Fayetteville this Saturday, give me a call. Christin and I are going out after legally blonde. Have a great weekend with Brittney!!!!

  17. Maggie

    I'm so glad she's starting to feel a little better. Poor baby… even when she is sick, she looks adorable!! That first pic of her is just precious!! Love her shirt, haha

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