Hey guys! First things first…. LOOK what was waiting on my front door step when I got home!!!
It is for my wedding dress!! How adorable is THAT! Miss Hailey sent this to me for my birthday! I am SO blessed to have such amazing friends that are so thoughtful! I LOVE LOVE LOVE it! THANK YOU Hailey! You are the BEST! I know yall are going to want one, so go here to order!
Also Hailey posted this on her blog a couple of days ago and I stole it : )
♥ What are your middle names? Tara Lauren, Drew Hanmer (Drew’s friends gave him the hardest time about his middle name when the wedding invites went out, its his Mom’s Maiden name)
♥ How long have you been together?
6 and half years
♥ How long did you know each other before you started dating? a couple days : ) We met at a job.
♥ Who asked whom out?Drew asked me
♥ How old are each of you? me-26 Drew- 30
♥ Whose siblings do/did you see the most?
Mine, Drew’s sister lives in Chicago
♥ Do you have any children together? only Miss Sadie, but hopefully in a couple years we will have a little baby : )
♥ What about pets? Sadie Jane- she is our little rascal dog. We love her SO SO much! But honestly, I think she thinks she is a human….well she gets treated like one haha.
♥ Did you go to the same school? highschool no, we went to rival highschools, college yes- UofA
♥ Who is the smartest? We both have our strengths. I am technologically smarter, he is smart with finances.
♥ Who is more sensitive? oh lord, ME! Yes I am a cryer
♥ Where do you eat out most as a couple? we love our mexican food and we cook at home quite a bit.
♥ Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?Hawaii!!!!!!
♥ Who has the craziest exes? me and I will not elaborate!
♥ Who has the worst temper? Drew, but I have my momments haha
♥ Who does the cooking? I do the cooking, drew does the grilling. I also do lots of baking!
♥ Who is more social?we both are very social. Drew is more private though.
♥ Who is the neat-freak? I have random bouts of OCD, but Drew is probably more neat.
♥ Who is more stubborn? haha, well he would say me and I would say him. So both! 🙂
♥ Who hogs the bed? SADIE JANE! Seriously, she is either laying sideways in the middle, on one of our pillows or underneath the covers in between us! We have a California King and we are cramped haha.
♥ Who wakes up earlier?Drew these days. I work for my dad : )
♥ Where was your first date? our first date was at Shogun, a sushi restaurant. I remember it like it was yesterday!
♥ Who has the bigger family? Me. When you marry one of us, you marry our family! haha : )
♥ Do you get flowers often? In the spring and summer more because Drew loves the farmer’s market flowers, as do I! SO pretty!
♥ How do you spend the holidays? our holidays are SO busy, but mainly because my family is crazy about it. We spend the holidays running back and fourth constantly.
♥ Who is more jealous?neither
♥ How long did it take to get serious? started saying the L word six months into our relationship.
♥ Who eats more? I can put down some food, but Drew takes this one. I dont know where he puts it!
♥ Who does/did the laundry? Depends on who has the time. I probably could do a it more often than I do haha.
♥ Who’s better with the computer? me for sure
♥ Who drives when you are together? I do 95% of the time. I am WAY better at directions : ) But of course he wont admit that haha.
Yea that was fun! haha. Tonight is my bday dinner with my friends! YEA! I am also going to lunch with Mrs Niki and her sweet son Jackson! Niki is expecting and I cant wait to see her cute little baby bump! Hope yall have a wonderful day!XOXO PS. I will be doing another giveaway very soon! So be checking back for that!!!
I love that hanger! It is a great wedding gift idea!
That hanger is adorable! Have fun at your bday dinner!
Have a great time tonight with your girls!
thanks for the shout out. sorry i cant make it to your party 🙁 will see you in just a few weeks though!
I love the hanger
That hanger is the CUTEST!!!
The hanger is ADORABLE!
LOVE the hanger, how cute!!
Also loved the survery…. so cute! AND I totally agree on the dog sleeping in the bed issue. Our dog loves sleeping in between us streched out… we're both on the edges!! LOL
What a cute gift! Very thoughtful!
Love the little q&a.
That is SO cute!! I want one! Thanks for the fashion help – I'm going to Forever21 at lunch!! 🙂
love that hanger!!! such a good present xxxxooo
What an awesome gift!! Miss Hailey is just too sweet!
You went to U of A. Hahaha…my hubs went to your rival: ASU!!! I always routed for your basketball team though. Hehehe :)-
Have a wonderful lunch with your girl and a fabulous dinner tonight. Many pics to come i'm sure. Luvs ya ♥
Love the hanger! That is such a great idea.
Must throw in there that I went to ASU…:)
That hanger is adorbs!!!
And how fun were those questions?!?! I remember doing something similar at a bridal shower – I had too much fun with it as I'm a bit competitor & just HAD to be right on everything, ha!
: – )
This was so adorable to read…I think I may have to fill it out! And that hanger is one of the most original things I've ever seen!
Almost forgot…my boyfriend's middle name is his mom's maiden name too…when he first told me it, I was like is that foreign? LOL Drew's def. tops his though…is that his fighting name? 😛
Oh!!! I DO love that hanger, just fab!
I LOVE that hanger! 🙂 Super cute! And have fun tonight birthday extravaganza girl! 🙂
the hanger is awesome!
loved the post, so much fun getting to know you!
p.s. following you on twitter now 😉
I just LOVE the hanger!!!
that hanger rocks! im definitely giving that to someone !!!
What a great hanger!!
oh that hanger is SO FUN!!!!! i love it!!!
and the marriage survey is adorable!! you two are definitely one of the cutest couples ever!! love it!
Love the blog! I've been following it for sometime now, and am finally delurking to say "Go Wildcats!" :o)
cute survey thingy!
I just ordered one of those hangers! 🙂 Sooo adorable! And I'm stealing your little quiz 😉