Our version of a low key weekend : )

Hey fabulous fancy bloggy friends! : ) Hope everyone had a great weekend! This was the first weeked in months that we didnt have some kind of event planned, well except for my bday dinner with my family : )

Friday night I went to Kristin’s house and we had wine and pizza! The pizza was SO good, i think i ate 3 pieces and then I made mini brownie bites! We had tons of fun like always

sweet sadie

Saturday I went shopping with my friend Jess to help her find some outfits for her trip to new orleans! We found some great stuff and I found an ADORABLE pantaloons outfit that i am ordering online in my size! Its SO cute! Then saturday night my family met at Carabas for my birthday dinner. We drank more wine and ate yummy food.

SO sweet she is!

Pardon the purple teeth haha.

our waiter brought us out lots of wines to taste!

RAchel and her first drink in 10 months! and might I mention, look how FABulous she looks!

claire got in front of the camera when i tried to take a pic of rachel haha

my grandparents : )

After dinner i met my friend Kristy out for you guessed it… more wine haha! We spent so much time talking that we didnt take very many pictures! GASP I know! haha But we gone one!

I had a meeting for Strut for the Mutt tonight! I am excited and REALLY nervous! Its a pretty big event and I will be modeling in front of a lot of people! Operation Runway is in full effect! No skipping the gym for the next 19 days! haha

Have a great week guys! XOXO

21 thoughts on “Our version of a low key weekend : )

  1. The New Mrs

    I love nothing more than seeing Sadies cute lil face pop up in my google reader, haha. And I cant wait to hear more about Strut for the Mutt! Sounds exciting.

  2. Jessica

    Thanks for ALL your help with the shopping spree on Saturday. I got some super cute outfits for New Orleans!!! I can't wait to wear them and I'm going to look so good. We got some great deals on those shoes. I LOVE my gold ones!!!!
    I definitely want to go to Strut for a Mutt. This sounds like so much fun!!! Will Drew be coming to the event?
    Girls weekend September 10-11? I'll be free and ready to have fun.

  3. Kassie

    Are you sure your sister just had that baby?! She looks fantastic!! Not too mention that little girl is just too adorable. 🙂

  4. Ashley

    Sounds like a great weekend!!! Love those kinds! Rachel looks great! She is just precious! BREE IS PRESH TOO!! AW, I am going to come by this week, so maybe you can be there when I swing by during lunch one day! Im going to call Rachel tomorrow!

  5. Llama

    Good luck on the runway…you'll be fab! I love looove Carabas esp. freakin' bread…they also having great wine which I always end up drinking too much of myself each time I go hehe!
    p.s.love the vamire shirt 🙂

  6. Dollface

    I love little Claire.. she is too cute for words… relaxing weekends are the best!! Nothing planned, nothing to do, great! And you look fab as always.. xxxooo s

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