About 5 years ago Drew got a package in the mail that he bought off Ebay. It was a Robert Graham shirt. He is known for making some pretty wacky, but sometimes cool shirts. Well this one was NOT one of those… Honestly words can not describe how horrible this shirt is or why someone in their right mind would select “buy it now” on Ebay! Drew Drew Drew… what were you thinking babe! … take a look at it yourself……..
Yes that is a mustard colored plaid… yes that is a man with a cowboy hat on standing next to a cadillac… YES that is a bright pink cheesy sunset backdrop and YES those are pearl snap buttons…..EEEEEEEK! MY EYES!
ICK ICK ICK! ok so Drew decided to wear this in Fayetteville out on Dickson. GASP! SHUT UP! I know! You can imagine my embarrassment. So to make sure that this shirt would NEVERmake another appearance… I ripped off two buttons. YES I did.. and I DONT regret it one bit at all! So on Saturday night I had to show my family the shirt. At this time Drew didnt know that the buttons were messed up : ) but me not being a very good fibber, he found out I was the culprit. Claire, Owen, Shane and Jake decided to put on the shirt for a mini fashion show… HILARIOUS! And yall say Claire gets her posing from me.. I think she gets it from her daddy! : )
Hahaha! That shirt is pretty bad! At least you got a good laugh out of it!
That's hilarious!! It looks like something my husband would be all over! There's several shirts I wish I could mysteriously get rid of
Too funny!
My mom told me this story about when she and my dad first got married. She went to the laundry mat and "accidentally left behind" a shirt that he loved and she hated.
Hahaha that is so funny!!!
That shirt is hawt…LOL!
Ah! horrendous!
Yikes that is a bad shirt!!!
That shirt is crazy! LOL
LOL! I think we ALL have those shirts, though- I know my DH has a shirt that I cringe every single time he wears it. It's this riduclously huge mustard yellow fleece monstrosity that he hauls out whenever the weather gets cold. He literally swims in it, it's a horrible horrible horrible color, and not to mention it's older than old (so it's all worn and gross looking). I can't stand it! I've often thought about taking a scissors to it myself…
I love the photos of everyone posing in Drew's awful shirt. So funny!
That is, by far, the worlds ugliest shirt!! LOL
LOL! Oh, those men and their fashion choices sometimes…*shakes head* I'm glad you ripped buttons off!
it's different I will say that
glad yall could laugh about it
claire looks adorable!
HYSTERICAL!!!!! I love that you ripped the buttons off to prevent it from being worn again… I may try that at my house!!! HA
I would love to know what men are thinking when they buy or wear certain items of clothing.
oh my goodness… lol this shirt is bad!! Did Drew really like it????
Oh…what an awful shirt! I had to "help" Mr. Potts go through his closet a few months after I moved in to "help" him clean it out. He did NOT appreciate all my help!
Wow! You can find some really interesting stuff on eBay!
Haaaaaaaaaaahahahahahaha! I love how shane is modeling and the kids too. The shirt..well yes, RATHER interesting! haha
Haha! definitely not the best choice!
Haha! I think you did the right thing by ripping off those buttons. What a scary shirt!
Those pictures are hilarious!! I did not get your text until Shane left this morning, so I will have to call him!!
What was funny was that on the way home he kept on asking how many items of clothing I have ruined =)!
Wow…that's definitely an "interesting" shirt!
This is hilarious!!! AAAGHHH, it is awful!
I would have ripped off the buttons and cut the sleeves off. Hahahahahaha!
It would have made it just disappear : P
Hahaha tooo funny!
Lance has made similar fashion faux pas' and I have had to *cough* take care of it myself
That's histarical. My husband and I love Robert Graham shirts, but yes, some of them are a little too over the top for my liking!! I sometimes screen them before he buys one. Like at Nordstrom's huge yearly sale two weeks ago, they were all RIDICULOUSLY over the top! Too funny!
omg too funny! and claire looks soooooo grown up in that picture! omg!
So funny that you ripped the buttons off!
Hahahahahahahah!!! That made my morning! Ya'll are so funny!
ha, too funny!
i think it would vanish in my dryer like the random missing socks sometimes do
Soo.. were you WITH him when he ventured out on Dickson in this shirt? DID he get beat up???? HAA.. this is great
this is hilarious…but i kind of love the shirt…i'm not gonna lie…but then again i don't have to live with it…haha!
LOL! Too funny! That is one wicked shirt! Did Rachel not want to wear the shirt?
lol… and he is married to a fashionista!
Wow that is one intense shirt!
I have to say that ripping off two buttons is a little bit ingenious and so something I would do!
Hahaha too funny!!
Oh no that shirt is definitely …unique lol
OMG, that is ONE ugly shirt. hahahaha, but SOOOO hilarious.
Woohoo! What a sexy shirt! LOL
So funny of you to take off the buttons…I would have done the same! Boys buy the silliest things, don't they?!
Oh man!
I'm all for a good western shirt, but this one is too much. I think it combines every bad thing in one shirt. Western shirts need to be simple.
My philosophy is let the muscles do the talking, not the shirt.
Good for you for removing the buttons! What a terrible shirt!
Oh leave it to Robert Graham to make something as fantastic as that!! My husband has one that's almost as bad, but we keep holding onto it for some awful reason … Probably because they are so expensive!
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