Last night Brock, Kristy and I went to La Huerta(i betcha couldnt have guessed that one haha) to celebrate her new job! I am SOOO happy for her! So after dinner and a few margaritas, we were leaving and we saw one of those old school claw stuffed animal games. I of course ran over to play it! My dad ALWAYS played these type of games and ALLLLLLWAYS won! Well, I obviously don’t have his luck haha. I picked up this silly ladybug SEVEN times and when it started to move over to drop it, it would fall. Brock, Kristy and I were yelling.. YEA YEA YEA……AWWWWWW. Brock even went out to his car and got a ton more quarters! $5.00 later, La huerta closed down on us and the ladybug didnt come home with me. It was a pretty funny ending to our night : ) OF course, I got some pictures.
September 3, 2009 // Miscellanous
omg sadie is so cute! every time i go to take a pic of matt and tico sleeping – tico always wakes up!!!! he cant just pretend hes asleep for a few more seconds!
glad yall had fun last night!!!! you crack me up – wish i coulda been there.
haha! I always lose at the claw game! boo! Better luck next time!
Such a sweet pic of Drew and Sadie!
Stop by blog…I have new blog name…
What a sweet picture of Drew & Sadie – don't you love when you catch them snoozing together?
Looks like you had a great time last night – congrats to Kristy & her new job!
The claw is the BESTEST!! I too get suckered in every time. Good thing for kids. I can blame them and make it look like i'm only playing to appease them :)-
What an adorable pic of your two luvs sleeping. Have a FAB.U.LOUS day girly ♥
Congrats to your friend for landing a new job! That's always a fantastic excuse for margarita tiiiime 🙂 And the pic of drew and sadie sleeping melts my heart.
awe love that last pic!!!
That is too funny! Round 2 plush bus is cracking me up!
good luck getting that lady bug today! LOL!! you are too funny!
the pic of your boys is adorable!!
That is so funny! I have won a couple of times on those machines, but I always have to spend like 5-10 bucks.
Haha funny! I never win at the claw, it's so frustrating!
I love those old fashioned arcade games…. and your friend is super pretty 🙂 xxxxooo
Ha,ha! Darn claws! Them things are tricky! ♥
I know exactly what you're saying. I think those things have a mind of their own.
Haha, that is too funny!!
My friend always tells her daughter that 'the claw' is broken when she asks to play it…isn't that mean?! I can understand why though, she could pump her whole life fortune into that thing!
Awe, so fun! And love the photo of Drew and Sadie!
that is so funny! round 2 haha! lookin' cute too!
love the scarf! just ordered some!
that pic is precious ; )
So funny!!!!!
The Claw gets me everytime…yet I always go back for more!!! Love your BLOG!!