The Claw

Last night Brock, Kristy and I went to La Huerta(i betcha couldnt have guessed that one haha) to celebrate her new job! I am SOOO happy for her! So after dinner and a few margaritas, we were leaving and we saw one of those old school claw stuffed animal games. I of course ran over to play it! My dad ALWAYS played these type of games and ALLLLLLWAYS won! Well, I obviously don’t have his luck haha. I picked up this silly ladybug SEVEN times and when it started to move over to drop it, it would fall. Brock, Kristy and I were yelling.. YEA YEA YEA……AWWWWWW. Brock even went out to his car and got a ton more quarters! $5.00 later, La huerta closed down on us and the ladybug didnt come home with me. It was a pretty funny ending to our night : ) OF course, I got some pictures.

this one cracks me up : )

I will be back for round 2 Plush bus! hahaha
I forgot to post this picture from the weekend…. My two favorites snoozin : )

Have a great day guys! XOXO 🙂


20 thoughts on “The Claw

  1. the future mrs Hinz

    omg sadie is so cute! every time i go to take a pic of matt and tico sleeping – tico always wakes up!!!! he cant just pretend hes asleep for a few more seconds!

    glad yall had fun last night!!!! you crack me up – wish i coulda been there.

  2. Mrs. Potts

    What a sweet picture of Drew & Sadie – don't you love when you catch them snoozing together?

    Looks like you had a great time last night – congrats to Kristy & her new job!

  3. ♥Aubrey

    The claw is the BESTEST!! I too get suckered in every time. Good thing for kids. I can blame them and make it look like i'm only playing to appease them :)-
    What an adorable pic of your two luvs sleeping. Have a FAB.U.LOUS day girly ♥

  4. The New Mrs

    Congrats to your friend for landing a new job! That's always a fantastic excuse for margarita tiiiime 🙂 And the pic of drew and sadie sleeping melts my heart.

  5. Brown Girl

    My friend always tells her daughter that 'the claw' is broken when she asks to play it…isn't that mean?! I can understand why though, she could pump her whole life fortune into that thing!

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