Unicorns and Magicians… Women Tell ALL.

So we start off with Chris introducing the show.. Jake and his AMAZING/crazy women and how he had to break so many hearts along the way. blah blah. But before we get to the women they have their pow wow. Of course Rozzy gets brought up first. Which was said to be the BIGGEST scandal of 2010.. umm did i miss something, is Rozzy Tiger’s 16th mistress, I mean since when did Rozlyn become more famous than Tiger Woods? BUT moving on. Jake talks in third person for a little bit, which is a pet peeve of mine. Jake is not here for an adventure, Jake is hear for the real deal. uh huh sure I am pretty sure when you look up real deal in the dictionary you dont see Vienna! haha Then they discuss the tease Elizabeth and before Jake can even tap into that ordeal, Chris brings up Vienna and the final rose ceremony music conveniently starts to play in the background. Chris brings up Tenley next and Jake gives his best poker face, when they discuss their “Kiss Me” fortune cookies. Last they talk about allie and Jake just “doesnt know” how it will be when they see each other for the first time since the show.

Next up we get to see the past contestants from seasons pasts. First up the vegas reunion. We find out Miss Desirae from Lorenzo’s season swings both ways, and princess Erica from the same season is now a Judge, lord help us all. We even get to see Gwen from the ORIGINAL season, I loved her! Then we see the Mexican cruise reunion, AKA the booze cruise! Natalie from Jason’s season is the Captain S.L.U.T of the boat. Then we see the proud Villain Wes, and tells us that he is having about “1000 times more nibbles than before the show” I guess Love is coming a little TOO Easy for him haha YUCK

To change the tone of the evening (or at least try) they show past contestants doing some philanthropy work. Its good to see they are doing some good in their communities. I still cant stand to see Deanna… bleh

Well time for the Drama Fest. The girls are finally on stage. I wonder how many outifts each of these girls put on before choosing their final one. Ashley H talks about her fake fall, but she may need to adjust that halter top before her tatas fall out! geeez girl. We rehash all the drama that went on and the funniest segment had to be Tenley’s. Vienna pulled out a good one and said that Tenley dreams in cartoons and another girl said she fell out of a Disney movie haha. love it. Ashley H let out her true emotions about Vienna “That white tash blankity blank whore” tell us how you REALLY feel haha. Chris finally asks the golden question. “What did Vienna do to piss you girls off?” Basically they say Vienna is 23, young and immature. ummmmm some of these girls need to look in the mirror.. just saying. But once again, we really have no good reason why these girls hated on her. Elizabeth gets her turn to talk and she looks like she just got a Dancing With the Stars spray tan, she admits she looked like a big tease. THEN they talk about Rozzy. We find out the girls saw Rozzy and the “staffer” cuddling, kissing on each others foreheads and Jessie, who is channeling Vienna’s hair tonight, saw rozzy and the staffer making out. oh lordy.

Next Gia gets in the hot seat. She is wearing a gorgeous lilac number! Like usual they show her “journey” in a nutshell and make her re watch all the kisses, professing of love etc. Way to stick the knife in and twist it ABC. Gia tells us that she did fall in love with Jake but just couldnt get it out verbally but she has learned a lot from the experience. Next is crazy Michelle, who I am sure will tell us she is “not crazy” We are tortured once more and have to watch her insane antics. Michelle does say she doesnt believe that you can fall in love on this show, and Allie chimes in and says that she did fall in love and she finds that offensive.. ohh Allie no need to push for the Bachelorette, you have it in the bag. Michelle defends herself some more, yaddy yadda.

Time for ABC’s new It girl.. Allie, who has finally brushed her hair. Again we re watch her journey. All butterflies and rainbows until the big Job bombshell. She shed some tears while watching it and tells us that she feels like he would have came and found her if he really loved her. They also talk about how she acted towards Vienna and she apologizes for the way she acted and that she doesnt deserve it. Boy thats a 360, trying to make her look like America’s sweetheart ABC?!?! She tells us that she is going to start putting love first… aka I am ready to be the next Bachelorette.

Next up the BIGGEST SCANDAL OF 2010. Rozlyn is escorted down by a staffer and Chris tells her he is good to see her. By what Realitysteve.com has told us, I dont think Chris was that happy to see her after the conversation (even though they will not show us all of it). Chris asks her what is true with the story. We find out this staffer, lets call him Billy, visited Rozlyn at home before the show started for pre show interviews and thats when they first met. They were just friends then….. Then she says that the show wouldnt let her call her son because cameras were not around, mind you that her ex husband did not sign the release for him to be on the show, so she “couldnt” call him on camera, so she used Billy’s phone. I think this is very true. Chris and Rozlyn bicker back and fourth and she asks Chris what kind of physical relationship did her and Billy have. Since Chris can’t say anything he has the girls do the dirty work, which to me is SO annoying. If you cant speak for yourself, then stop being so condescending to someone. Of course every girl has a story. Stories of kissing, rozlyn being on all fours,asking for billy to put her to bed, cuddling etc. Ella and Rozlyn get into a pretty big argument, and Ella says she would never say anything because they are both mothers. Well I am not a mother yet, but I dont think the way either of them were acting was mature. At one point in the conversation Chris talks about magicians and unicorns… what the???. Rozlyn basically tells Chris to shut up so she can talk. OH MY BACHELOR? THEN she punches him in the gut when she says that its news to Billy that they are friends because Chris hit on his wife in New Zealand. SHUTUPRIGHTNOW! Chris doesnt even respond to that and just wishes her the best. WOW Rozlyn was ready to claw Chris’s eyes out tonight. I will say Chris was out of line at times and really did hide behind the other girls. We may never know the truth, but I think Chris and Rozzy looked ridiculous! drrrrraaaaammmmmmaaaa! Mike Fleiss, the producer is in the back LOVING this.. gross.

Finally Jake comes out. oh yeah we have a Bachelor to talk about tonight, and his clothing option tonight is right up there with mr turtleneck….BAD. To be honest Jake looks like he has been thru a train wreck. He discusses the feeling he had when Allie left and how awful it was. Allie just say back and didnt say much at all. Jake says he wishes he got to know Christina more which makes her cry. But then we get to see the bloopers. haha hilarious.. you have to watch them.

Well that was a big waste of 2 hours haha : ) The finale is next week… are yall ready? I will need wine to get thru this one haha ; )

Until Next time…


18 thoughts on “Unicorns and Magicians… Women Tell ALL.

  1. Yekaterina

    Just a side note, but 360 would imply that she is back to where she started from. What you want is 180 degrees because that would mean she is opposite from where she started from. πŸ™‚

  2. Angela

    Thanks for the recap! I didn't get to watch tonight (first one I have missed!) and wondered what had happened! Keeping my fingers crossed that he does not pick Vienna next week and I really don't want Ally to be the next bachlorette! However, I am sure she probaly will be, lol!

  3. Katie F

    I DVR's this special and have to watch it tonight. I agree that Michelle is crazy and that Jake needs a new wardrobe hehe

    On another note, I don't remember if I asked you or not. Where did you get those black candelebra's you had for your party you posted? We are having a party this weekend for the hubs and mine bday and I was looking for something like that for our centerpiece!

  4. Aly

    Miss Tara! You CRACK me up girl!!

    Last nights show was ridiculous! They easily could have taken this two hour train wreck and condensed it into an hour. Geez Louise.

    Ha- I completely forgot about the girls talking about Tenley! Hilarious!

    Now, now you were a bit harsh on my girl Alie (maybe I like her because of the name?!) but I really think she is about the only one of the show with some common sense!

    I can't wait to read next week's recap…These are oh' so good! πŸ™‚

  5. Aly

    Miss Tara! You CRACK me up girl!!

    Last nights show was ridiculous! They easily could have taken this two hour train wreck and condensed it into an hour. Geez Louise.

    Ha- I completely forgot about the girls talking about Tenley! Hilarious!

    Now, now you were a bit harsh on my girl Alie (maybe I like her because of the name?!) but I really think she is about the only one of the show with some common sense!

    I can't wait to read next week's recap…These are oh' so good! πŸ™‚

  6. Aly

    Oh my Lord your Bachelor recaps have me cracking up!!!

    Also wanted to thank you for posting recently about Allison who does the beautiful dog paintings – she is working on one for my parents as a gift and I'm so excited, brilliant idea! πŸ™‚

  7. Mrs. Dew

    What a train wreck is all I can say! It was all focused on Rozlyn and really nothing got accomplished! I still can't believe that they didn't announce Aly as the new bachelorette!

  8. Kristin

    I've boycotted since Allie left as it had gotten so ridiculous..but I'm gonna tune in for the finale. I don't have THAT much willpower. Thanks for letting me know about the curling iron!

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