Most of us can distinguish up to 10,000 different smells. Our ability to recall smells is also much stronger than our ability to recall visual cues like photographs. Smell is processed by the same part of the brain that handles memories and emotions. Which explains why smells can have such strong emotional affiliation for us. I have a very sensitive sense of smell, my hubby says I smell like an hound dog haha. Here are a few distinct smells of mine.
The Smell of Christmas– cinnamon, a cold winter breeze, Christmas trees, Christmas decorations coming out of storage haha, and apple cider… did you know its 154 days till Christmas : )
Grandparent’s homes– they all have a distinct smell, and they all seem to smell different
Newspaper– for some reason I don’t like the smell of newspapers, it kinda irks me like nails running down a chalkboard.. weird i know : )
Coffee– I LOVE the smell of coffee, I think I get a caffeine high just from smelling it haha.
Suntan lotion– the best summer smell ever. I love things that taste like the smell of suntan lotion too!
Homemade bread– this is part of the reason why I could NEVER give up carbs. Any kind of bread smells amazing to me.
Dry Cleaning– another smell I am not too fond of, it seems to take forever to get out of your clothes!
New Car Smell- Love it! The people at Yankee Candles caught on to how much people like that smell by selling those car air refreshers with that scent!
Hubbys Cologne– love it, never want him to change it EVER. (he is the same way with me) Ps. Drew wears Dolce & Gabbana.
Pine Sol– They don’t call this stuff “The powerful scent of real clean” for no reason haha. You can tell you mopped a floor with this miles away and thats why I like it!
A few more strong smells we all know… Rain, Cut Grass, Cookies, Gasoline, Nail Salons haha, Bleach, and Sharpies
So what are some of your favorite scents? Do you tie any of them emotionally?
Have a great weekend guys! XOXO
I also can not stand the smell of newspapers but I HATE the smell of coffee, I know i'm weird but the smell makes me sick to my stomach. A few of my favorite smells are right before it rains, pledge (goes along with Pine Sol…LOVE the smell of a clean house!) and Eric's cologne or just Eric in general.
I LOVE Yankee candles fall candles, there my fave!!
I'm with you on the newspaper smell!! I don't like the feel of them's chalky!..eww!
My hubs wears the DG cologne as well and I LOVE it too!!
I also love the smell of anything bakery releated…All candles, lotions, and potions that smell like frosting or cake or chocolate!! yum yum!!
I love the smell of Tiffany's (the store not the perfume). Does it have a smell? Oh yes it does and it is wonderful
I hate the smell of newspaper too! And the feeling of them. My hands always feel funny when I hold one. Newspapers are the worst.
The sense of smell is so crazy! Sometimes I will smell a perfume that I used to wear in HS or college and it will bring me back instantly to a memory from that time!
I love the smell of fresh linen!
Girl, I could never give up carbs either! Bread is just too wonderful! And, I agree, smells great!
I have been reading your blog for a few weeks now and I love it! You are so cute and I love your style! I am new to commenting on the blogs that I read so here we go…I also love the smell of anything suntan lotion related, Christmas smells are the best adn when I smell coffee I think of taking family vacations b/c my dad would always be drinking a ton of coffee in the car to stay awake to get us to the beach!
I have been reading your blog for a few weeks now and I love it! You are so cute and I love your style! I am new to commenting on the blogs that I read so here we go…I also love the smell of anything suntan lotion related, Christmas smells are the best adn when I smell coffee I think of taking family vacations b/c my dad would always be drinking a ton of coffee in the car to stay awake to get us to the beach!
I love most of the things you posted, but especially Pinesol lol. I am not a fan of cleaning but if you give me pinsol im all over it.
I LOVE the smell of suntan lotion too! And fresh cut grass in the Spring/Summer – YUM!
You said Drew doesn't want you to change scents either…so, what do YOU wear?
What type of perfume do you wear?
Wierd fact about me: I often confuse the smell of skunks and coffee. Seriously. They smell similar to me!
I love the smell of coffee and rain.
I am with you on the Christmas scent. I also love the smell of rain and fresh baked goodies. I just love to smell beautiful yummy things!
I know what you mean about Grandparents. Even though mine have been gone for several years, I can still remember exactly what their house smelled like and it's very comforting.
You forgot about the smell of Scotch Tape!
lentil soup smell reminds me of being a kid at home sick, and the smell of tinsle reminds me of christmas!
Fun post! I love the smell of fresh laundry, candles, and homemade bread.
love bread smells, suntan lotion is ahhhh!! heavenly..almost. of my favs is burning leaves in the fall.. ahhh.
I love how you said you love things that taste like the smell of sun tan lotion. I always describe taste with smells and people think I'm crazy! BUT maybe you understand! haha!