Love me some GOOD News!

Hey guys! Well good news in the Gibson Household yesterday! I got a NEW JOB!  I interviewed last thursday(why I was MIA from the blog world) and I found out yesterday that I got it! I will be working for the wonderful company Unilever! I am SOOOOOOOOO excited! I seriously have not stopped smiling since I found out and I woke up at 5:45 today and it was a rainy morning! Anyone that knows me, thats just plain crazy! haha

Drew and I went and celebrated last night and ate at my fav Bordinos! It was delicious! I know that Drew is just as happy as me and it was nice to just sit back and smile : )

Since I cant do a blog without a picture, haha, I will post my fab outfit i wore last night! Love me some fur and the fact that its leopard is just an extra bonus! : )

Have a great day guys! XOXO


22 thoughts on “Love me some GOOD News!

  1. lovelylittleruffles

    Congratulations on your new job!! Looking for a job has become increasingly difficult in the Dallas area with so much competition around. This gives me hope!!! 🙂 Enjoy your new experience!

  2. Annie

    CONGRATS!!! very happy for you hun! 🙂 i hope you enjoyed your day of shopping for work clothes yesterday!! i'm sure you found all kinds of cute stuff!

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