
Hey guys! Drew and I had a fabulous, and hilarious, anniversary. Thank you so much for all the well wishes! You guys are SO SO sweet!

Drew cooked an amazing dinner with King Crab, my favorite salad, yummy garlic bread, my favorite dessert and wine, and steamed steamed squash/zucchini…..well he thought it was zucchini….

So while eating the delicious food, I kept on asking him if he did something different with the veggies…. they tasted well ….odd

I just KNEW something was different about them. After about 10 minutes, I figured it out…… it wasnt a zucchini, it was a CUCUMBER…

ever had a steamed cucumber?!?!?   yeah I dont think so haha… not good.. I do not think Drew will be trying out for Top Chef anytime soon : )

Drew and I got a great laugh out of it. : ) one to remember for sure…

We read each others cards, I am a big card girl, and I found out he has planned a romantic getaway to Big Cedar Lodge!! I am SO excited.  I have wanted to go there for some time and I cant wait. The best part is it is right before Christmas, so it will be GORGEOUS there! YAY! Drew is getting an extra special gift for Christmas so I was the one surprised tonight : )

I feel incredibly blessed to have Drew in my life. I cant believe two years has just flow by before our eyes. I know we have SO much to look forward too and have some much in store. I am so busy sometimes, that I do tend to forget to take the time to look around and see how lucky I am… AND like he said in my card, “I cant wait to have more little rascals running around” 




11 thoughts on “Zucchini?!?

  1. VeggieGirl

    HAHAHA too funny about the zucchini/cucumber mix-up 😀

    Beautiful post, Tara – life is definitely good and God IS great. Here's to more blessed times for you and Drew.

  2. Christy

    Aw, what a fantastic anniversary!! That's so funny about the cucumber!!

    You're so right – God is SO great!! 🙂

    Happy Anniversary girl!

  3. ty

    This totally sounds like something I would do … like, for real.

    And Big Cedar sounds great! I've been trying to get Patrick to take me for a while. Hmph.

  4. Kristin Lea

    I did that…when I was younger I steamed cucumbers thinking it was a zucchini! And my parents have NEVER let me live it down!!

    its the thought that counts! Happy anniversary!

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