Happy Tuesday!
Lets start off with a mini “Where’d She get that!?”
My beautiful Sis’s GB Dress.
They still have the blue version in stores, and on sale! Below is a similar version of the ivory.
Pretty Jenn’s fab Easter Dress. Cardigan is from Old Navy!
Jenn’s Dress here
I have been asked about the new app I downloaded on my iphone that I do my collages on! I LOVE it. It is called Diptic. Its not a free one,boooo, but a lot of fun to use! I use it for my OOTD on twitter, Yes I am dork. ; ) I also use Instagram to make them all funky lookin : ) follow me on instagram too TheMrsGibby!
The App Icon
My sister just accepted a new office job! She has been working from home for the past eight years and is about to start a new fabulous journey. She has also started blogging again. I ask that you please keep her in your prayers as she begins this new chapter in her life. I know her three monkeys will miss her dearly but they are in good hands with our Mom. Go to her blog here to read about it! Her blog is hilarious and you all know that her kids are just gorgeous! Love them.
Thats all I have today! Hope you are having a Great day! XOXO

Congrats to your sister!