Hello hello! How is everyone?!?
Well I had an CRAZY busy weekend….. but we will get to that in a few min.
Friday night my bestie had a few people over to watch the Royal Wedding and eat cupcakes : ) We had a blast drinking vino and having a girly night. Even the pups got all dressed up for the occasion : )

Saturday was the day i planned TWO PARTIES. Yes I am crazy in the head. My morning reminded me of Katherine Heigl at the begging of 27 dresses. haha The day started off early with a last min trip, omg i forgot to get this and that, to hobby lobby, always have those before a party day. I headed over to Jayme’s house to set up her Fairy Tale Birthday Party. I had SOOO much fun putting this together. I thought of the theme and was kinda worried how it would come together but it turned out exactly how I wanted it too. In all disney princess movies the animals, birds etc always help the princess with something. So I wanted the treat table to look like the animals made all the treats for the princess. I went all around town finding the perfect animals, some came from Walgreens! I then used burlap sacks to put the flour and sugar in, got a mini wheel barrow to put a porcelain egg in and I got wooden spoons for the animals to hold. I wanted to use yellow peeps to put on sticks and when i found the tiny furry chicks i about died, so cute. I used lots of little birds and butterflies too as accents. Since Cinderella has her mice helpers, i made mice cookies out of oreos, cherries and hershey kisses. I think they turned out pretty cute. I also made mini umbrellas filled with hershey kisses. Every princess party has to have a princess table. This is every little girls dream. I first used a Cinderella carriage and found a perfect crown to place on a pillow(the pillow as used as my ring bearer pillow) I then painted a jewelry box and beautified it with flowers, princess things and an E for Eva. I filled it up with necklaces, earrings and bracelets. Then i had a tray full of princess crowns and glass slippers. Each girl also got to take a purse home with a magic wand, headband and mirror. Eva just LOVED this. I also had a station that was called “pucker up prince” I found the most hilarious frogs to put on this table and all the girls put on lipstick here and kissed the frog to turn into a prince. The party was so much fun but the best thing about it is that Eva just loved it and had a fabulous birthday. Lets get to the pics.
So thats the first party. The second one for Miss Reagan, my bestie’s little girl. She turned one! Linley knew awhile back she wanted to do bright colors and zebra. Her little girl’s thick mane looks SO good in these colors. I went over EARLY friday to take pics of her in her first bday outfit, SO cute. We used these pics at the party as well. Linley had a lantern chandelier at her wedding so I insisted on making a mini version of this for the party. It turned out absolutely gorgeous, and really didnt take me that long to do. Linley made the cupcake toppers, the banner with her cricut. Then we used it for the treat bags to make the goldfish tags, the cheerio tags and the puff tags. The kids loved them. Linley had Sign Sealed and Delivered make the gorgeous arrangements and they did such a great job. I told linley that princess Reagan didnt need some boring birthday hat, she needed a crown, Linley made her a fabulous one. On the staircase I made some big huge bows and then strung pictures of Reagan growing up. Her little girls is so photogenic. The party was so colorful and fun. We had a fabulous time.
So basically saturday morning consisted of me decorating one party, going to the other party finishing it up(we started friday night), then BACK to the first party to take pics, then finally back to the other party to take pics. WHEW! Crazy part, I wasnt even that tired : ) although i did have a double shot grande coffee in me
Saturday night Kristin and I took it easy since the boys were away camping all weekend. I definitely needed some lazy time.
Thats my fun filled busy weekend, I hope you guys had a great one as well.
You are amazing! Party planning is definitely your thing!
How fun! I love all the decorations and attention to detail. You totally are meant to be doing this! Two in one day has got to be tough!
Reagan's Party was so perfect….couldn't have done it without you! Thank you so much for helping out and coming up with so many fab ideas. You never give yourself enough credit!