Man oh man am I glad its friday! Can I get an AMEN!? : )

We have been having lots of fun this week and have some really fun things planned this weekend! (my bestie from little rock is coming into town!)

Wednesday was the normal Bonefish/BFF wednesday. It cracked me up that us three girls were dressed in the same colors : )

I have such gorgeous friends!

Yesterday was my sister and BIL’s 10 year anni! Let me tell you, these two are the definition of high school sweethearts! They are such a great example to drew and I. We had a blast having dinner celebrating such a great milestone.

I have been busy working on our master bedroom. I have started collecting pillows and such and its coming together quite nicely! I LOVE the tiffanish blue. I still havent decided what kind of picture I want over the bed, so ignore the big key picture haha. The opposite wall is going to be covered in lots of black and white pictures, and I have already began that project. Dont you love the lamp too! so cute!

Sadie loves it too
Hope everyone has a GREAT weekend! XOXO


6 thoughts on “ITS FRIDAY!

  1. Michelle

    AMEN, girl! i'm also so stoked it's Friday – I live for Fridays! 🙂

    You master is really coming together – love all the pillows! I'm a total pillow whore myself 🙂


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