Sweet Home Alabama!- Part One

ANNND we are back…. and we wanna GO BACK! : ) haha. I cant even begin to explain how relaxing, fun, fabulous, supercalafragalistic, amazing this trip was! We had a ball! We layed out at the beach everyday, we ate delicious food and laughed the whole time.  We owe a lot to Shane and Rachel for getting this fabulous house for our family. YOU GUYS ROCK! Lets just get to the pictures shall we.. I think I may have taken 1200! : ) 

First up, when we first arrived!

We literally threw clothes on and headed out to our most favorite spot Sea and Suds! (best fish sandwhich ever!)

Matching PJs : )

The next morning we ate delicious breakfast that Shanes parents cooked for us every morning! we were SPOILED! We got our suits on and headed to the beach!!

That night we got dolled up and headed to oyster house! Loved these pics!

We ended night two with a little crab hunting. The kiddos favorite! : )

Come back for for more pics from days 3,4 and 5!


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