We Heart the Beach!

A few more fun beach pics!!! We are never coming home : )

Happy Wednesday! XOXO


9 thoughts on “We Heart the Beach!

  1. Lea Liz

    You all are too cute!!! I wish I were at the beach too! Looks like you all are having a wonderful time!! Enjoy the rest of your vacation!!

  2. Kelly

    Wish I was here! Glad you're having fun, the pictures are so beautiful, makes me want to just pack our stuff up right now and take off to the beach! 🙂

  3. Lauren

    you guys look great! i love the coordinating black & yellow suits in the first picture! LOVE your sister's black & white striped bikini! so cute.

    can i just say (in the least creepy way possible) that you have one hot mama? she seriously looks like the fourth sister. gorgeous fam! 🙂

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