Sleepover at Aunt T’s and Razorbacks!

Hey dolls! hope everyone had a great weekend! I am WORN out but we had a super fun weekend.

Friday night Claire, Owen annnnnd BREE came to stay the night with us. I will admit, I was nervous of how she would handle it, but I knew we would have tons of fun. We went to Tims pizza for some yummy food. Bree latched on to Drew, it was adorable. Then we came back to our house and danced, watched movies and ate junk food. Bree did great and slept all night long. Love those kiddos so much.

Saturday morning I helped my sister set up a wedding shower. It turned out so cute, and I forgot my camera! oops! We also woke up to So with the torrential downpour everyone decided to come over to our place. Que tara running around town getting decorations haha. You know me, I gotta make a cute table haha. We had tons of fun eating yummy appetizers and delicious hot wings. Then we headed to the game! I just love this time of year!

I saw these on pinterest! turned out pretty cute(crescent roll piggies : ))

cute banner is from riffraff

Pretty fabulous weekend!
Have a great week guys XOXO!


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