Bball and SJG Bday!

Hey hey! Hope everyone had a great weekend!
Friday  night we stayed in at my sisters and had a little mexican food and a lazy night in. Perfect end to a long week!
Saturday the family met up with Drew Kristin and I at the baseball game. It was beyond beautiful weather and a perfect afternoon at the ball park. Full of hotdogs, nachos and calling those hogs. Afterwards the kiddos and I went and ate some dinner and then headed back to my house for sleepover. Sweet Owen got sick in the middle of the night and had to go home. It broke my heart to see him so sick. 🙁 But we will have plenty more sleepovers in the future for sure!

Sunday my mom and I ran around shopping it up. That night was a family get together/Sadie Janes birthday. I know, I am one of those crazy dog ladies that throws bday parties for her dog haha. I openly admit that is nuts haha. BUT Drew and I love this sweet girl so much and she deserves a special day. I threw together a party table and got her some super cute outfits. I made some delicious burgers and we had a great night with the family.

Today is Sadie Janes actual birthday! She is going to be taken on lots of walks and be SUPER spoiled today. : )


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