Confessional Friday

Confessional Friday a la blonde ambition. 

1. I confess that my niece and I may have ordered two HUGE desserts last night and afterwards started dancing to the music playing in the restaurant. It was our own little spring break dance off.

2. I confess that I am turning 30 this year and I am pretty sure this will be the best year yet! Bring it!

3. I confess that my closet looks like a bomb went off in it. My hubby would probably freak if he went in there.. note to self- get a lock ; )

4. I confess that my co worker just came by and told me that his young daughters read my blog/instagram and tell him  “they cant believe he works with me” MADE.MY.DAY… how cute is that?!?!

5. I confess that I have went to put things on poshmark and when I tried them on again, I changed my mind. I need a clothing intervention.

Happy Friday loves! Come back next week for a fantastic necklace giveaway and some cute spring outfits!



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