Baby Olivia Update {25 Weeks)

Jacket Savoir Faire (old) Similar here and here || Top Riffraff (old) Similar here || Shoes Gianni Bini || Necklace Versona
 I will be 26 weeks on Monday with our sweet baby girl. Which means we are almost into the 3rd trimester. Time is flying by and I cant believe in just over a 100 days we will be meeting Olivia.
Weight Gain/Clothes- Gained 10lbs. My jeans still fit with the help of a hair dilly but I took the plunge and got some maternity jeans. Talk about comfortable! The ones I found were by Heidi Klum for any expecting mamas out there. I got some leggings for the fall too (even some leather ones!) Another pointer for anyone expecting, if you order leggings online, size down, they run big.
Symptoms- feeling great! I get nauseous still randomly but nothing like it used to be. Still having round ligament pains but they are not as bad as well.
Cravings- Salmon has been one lately and salads with ranch dressing. I have never been a huge fan of Ranch, but apparently Olivia likes it. Chocolate has been one too lately. πŸ™‚
Fit Mama- getting back into the swing of things! After coming down with two bugs in July, I am ready to get back to my 3x a week jogs.
Movement- This child is a mover, especially from 8pm-12am. She likes fast dance music too πŸ™‚
 Mommy Moment- Drew’s younger sister is pregnant too and only a week and half ahead of me! They were in town this past weekend and it was so fun talking babies with her. Olivia and her sweet boy will be the best of buds.
 Hope everyone is having a great week!

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11 thoughts on β€œBaby Olivia Update {25 Weeks)”

  1. Lins - Domesticated Working Woman

    You're beautiful. I am 19 weeks on Saturday and we find out what we're having Tuesday! The best feeling ever. Glad you are feeling up to running again – that and yoga have helped me to feel myself when my body is being used for someone else.

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