10 Things I Learned about Being a Mom


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Happy Monday guys! It is mother’s day week and I have some fun mother’s day posts coming this week for you guys! Today I wanted to share a mommy and me look but also share some things I have learned about being a mom. We actually wore these outfits on easter(pic above from easter,) but I think they would both be great for a spring/summer wedding too! Olivia picked out her dress and would probably wear it EVERY day if she could haha. My dress fits tts, I am wearing the XS and I love the bow details. Now let’s get started on a few of the many things I have learned over the last 5 years of being a mom.

  1. Google is not the Doctor. Oh boy is this a tough one. Your child is sick, has weird symptoms so you go to the internet. If you have done this once, you know where this leads to. It leads to more stress than it is worth. Leave it to the professionals.
  2. Your patience will be tested, and then tested some more. As they get older, this will happen way more often. Breath, I promise you will not go insane even though you think your head may explode.
  3. Your car will never ever be clean. Oh you can make all the promises to yourself to keep it spiffy, but nope, not gonna happen. Embrace it, and clean it later.
  4.  Lead by example. Kids are watching your every single move, yes even when you think you are alone. Your actions and word will be replicated. When you mess up, use it as an opportunity to teach a lesson.
  5. Be a kid with your kid. Play dress up, build a fort, play games, be goofy, make messes, color with them. It means more to them than you will even know.
  6. Embrace the organized chaos. You will think you have it ALL together and then bam, something will throw a wrench into your perfectly penciled in erin condren planner plan. The moment you embrace the unpredictably of motherhood, the easier, and happier, your life will be.
  7. LISTEN. I am guilty of multitasking and half listening to things Olivia is telling me about. Yeah she may be telling me something absolutely silly, but to them, it means the world to have your undivided attention. This also teaches them to do the same for others, including YOU!
  8.  Support their dreams and develop their strengths. At an early age Olivia loved to dance. She has watched her cousins for years and was chomping at the bit to join them. Now that she is in dance, I see her work EVERY.SINGLE.DAY to get better.  Wether that be working on tricks, stretching, making up dances, the girl is already putting in some much work on her own. It is truly amazing to see your kid LOVE something and work hard at it. Always be your child’s biggest fan!
  9. SHOW your love.  A loved child will always feel secure. A  loved child will be a happy child. A loved child will LOVE back. I am a big proponent on actions over words. While I tell Olivia I love her numerous times a day, my actions will make a bigger impact in the long run.
  10. Give yourself Grace. Being a mom is HARD. You WILL mess up. You WILL say sorry to your kid more often than you think. You WILL forget things. You WILL cry. You WILL think you failed. You WILL think you lost your ever lovin mind.  Forgive yourself, learn from your mistakes and move on. Your child or children love you, you are their superhero and life is way too short to sweat the small stuff.




2 thoughts on “10 Things I Learned about Being a Mom

  1. Marta

    I’m not a mom and I have no intentions of being one in the future but I have nieces and I always want to do and be the best for them, especially since they’re girls, the world is already gonna be mean to them enough and I want to be a person they can always think of in a positive way. I’m definitely gonna take the things you said into consideration and be the best aunt I can be.

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