SWEATER 1.State | SKIRT 1. State | BOOTIES BP c/o | BAG Chanel
Happy Tuesday Guys! Well we had a pretty eventful weekend. It was Olivia’s fall break and we had planned on heading out of town to Boston, but decided to stay closer to home and spend the night at Big Cedar. While we were away, a big scary storm made its way thru NWA, which has now been confirmed that a tornado. I woke up at 1am to my phone flashing from text messages from my family about the storm and it literally went right over my mom and sisters neighborhood. The terrible, thing is that phones didn’t sound off alarms so there was little time to prepare. Humongous trees are uprooted all over town and it is so sad to see. Many homes were damaged from the trees and 90mph+ winds. We had minor damage at our house with a busted window, tree limbs ripped from our tree and lawn furniture thrown around our yard. My mom described the sound of the storm exactly as you hear a tornado sounds, like a freight train. I AM SO thankful it was not worse, as it easily could have been. The storm did go thru Branson too and the sirens went off a Big Cedar. A very scary night, but everyone is safe and sound.
I feel weird talking about a pretty fall outfit after that paragraph, but today’s look is one of my favorites yet this fall. You guys know I am all about a fall monochrome look, and this pleated skirt is the holiday skirt of my DREAMS. The matte fabric is stunning. I paired it with a coordinating sweater that I wore backwards with the v in the back. This skirt will be perfection with a sequin tank and faux fur coat come the holidays or even a festive plaid! I will be sure to style it multiple ways for you all on my stories!
Great fall look! The skirt is awesome!