My weekend was filled with all sorts of fabulousness! : ) Friday night the family and I went out to eat and then to the Square to see the lights! Its a tradition we do every year. The goal was to get a great pic of my sister’s kiddos and you will have to check her blog today to see the final product! : ) My best friend Kristin and her daughter met us out there and we got some great pictures!

me and clairebear
me and kristin

me and my hubby

Saturday night was the Christmas dinner Kristin and I put together for our girlfriends! I feel soooo blessed to have such great friends in my life and dont know what I would do without them! We all got dolled up, went to Bordinos, drank awesome martinis, had an accessory exchange and took lots of pics! All the girls look absolutely gorgeous! I also made each girl an ornament. After dinner we went and met our men at Theos where we conituned the fabulous evening! I feel so blessed to have such an amazing family and friends!
Looks like so much fun! Love the pics – Claire is sooo cute!
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Piper says thanks!! haha.
Looks like you had a fantabulous weekend chica. Have a wonderful holiday!! 🙂
Such great pictures!! Looks like you guys had a blast!
Lots and lots of posin’!!! LOL Loved all the great pictures – Looks like a fabulous time!!! =)
Love the pictures! Claire is adorable! 🙂 Glad you had such a fun time, thanks for sharing everything!