So it is safe to say, my family is crazy about Christmas decorations… Shocked?!? haha…. My sister Rachel and my mom have probably 20 trees between them! And no they are not small trees, they are tall, big, fully decorated with their own themes, beautiful trees! I hope my sister posts her trees because they look like they came out of a magazine! Maybe I should just go take pictures of hers and my moms and post them myself! : ) Well..last year I got bit by the tree bug, more like got talked into it by Rachel, and did my first big tree. We spent hours at hobby lobby and I came up with a vineyard theme, i LOVE it. Now I am hooked! : ) I have added two more to my collection, a peacock themed tree and a black, gold and silver tree! There is this local store called, signed sealed delivered, that has AMAZING decorations, its almost overwhelming, but that is where i got my peacock inspiration from! It was quite humorous to see Drew’s face when I brought home one tree and decorated it and then the next day brought home another.. he thinks I am nuts : ) But he SO should have expected it. I got to decorate a mantel too this year! I had stockings monogrammed last year for Drew, me and yes Sadie Jane. : ) I am still not up to the level of my mom’s or Rachel’s, but I am learning! Here are some pictures!

So, now I am sitting here thinking about all the Christmas Shopping that I have YET to start and how last year I was almost done at this time! oops! Maybe I should stop looking at all those cute holiday dresses all these stores have out! : )
Also, I have been tagged by Meghan to do her Candy Cane Questions! (how appropriate i LOOOVE candy canes! : ) )
Candy Cane Questions
1. What is your favorite Christmas Movie?
Miracle on 34th Street
2. Favorite Christmas Song?
O Holy Night, or any christmas song my neice or nephew is singing : )
3. Favorite Holiday Memory?
waking up WAY to early to open presents- one year I ran into the living room, grabbed the present and thought my parents didnt hear me haha
4. What kind of cookie/treat do you like to make?
we have a baking day every year and my favorite is either icing the Christmas cookies or making the pretzel rods : )
6. Do you love Starbucks?
yep! Marble Mocha Macciato!!!!!
7.What makes the perfect Snowman?
the right accessories of course- a burberry scarf wouldnt hurt ; )
8. Best gift you have ever given?
gosh, thats a hard one. Any gift I give my niece or nephew makes me happy.
9. Best gift you have ever received?
My engagement ring : )
10. What is the snowman’s name on Rudolph?
11.Silver or Gold?
12. What is your favorite Christmas decoration?
anything that sparkles!
13. What’s your Christmas decorating style?
oh gosh, i have 3 totally different trees. I go by what colors I like. Or what catches my eye. But all my trees have glitter somewhere haha
14. Do you hang stockings?
yep see above!
15. How many days do you celebrate Christmas?
the whole month of December seems like a big celebration in my family
16. What do you want this year?
to be honest, I cant think of a thing. I would like a really nice camera, but I dont need it. The wedding was more than I could ask for this year!
17. What was your favorite ornament on the tree as a child?
the Santa with a Rudolph at the end that lite up and sang!
I Tag
My sister-Footballs and Crowns
Lane- Bits and Pieces
Make mine a mojito
Those trees are AMAZING! 🙂 I love the peacock one. Great job can’t wait to see more!
I LOVE the peacock tree…I’m way into peacocks this year!
1. the peacock tree is AMAZING!
2. thanks for the tag!!! I’m going to post it tomorrow!!
omg, my tree is peacock inspired too!!
OK these tree’s are amazing!! I have GOT to see your sisters and mom’s! I love looking at Christmas decorations!
Gorgeous trees! With the looks of your trees, I do not see how your mom or sister could top you!
Sniff Sniff I am so proud =)!! Thanks for the tag and I am going to the exact same post this weekend!!!
The black tree looks gorgeous and I love the peacock the most!!!
Wow, that’s a lot of Christmas trees!! How fun and festive! 🙂
Love all the trees! I’m totally doing the multiple tree thing next year!! My fave is the peacock tree….so cute!
Your tree is gorgeous!
I LOVE your trees they are so gorgeous!! I think the black one is my favorite one! Thanks for the tag I will get to it this weekend as well (I hope!)! 🙂
i love the trees!!! i just tagged you on my blog 🙂
Cool trees!! I want to do a peacock tree too!! I’m so picky with my color schemes. The blues and greens would go great with my current tree I have now. I’ll take pictures of mine. The only people who see my trees are me, Denny and Buzz. Denny’s grandparents are coming at the end of January and I might keep my Christmas decor up until then – Any excuse to keep my tree up – I LOVE CHRISTMAS!!!
love your trees!!! you girls are so good with decor!!
those trees are amazing, you and your sister are killing me!!!!!!
yes that was VERY helpfl…does a place like nordstrom carry Joe’s jeans? I’ve heard great things about them
wow, totally impressed by your trees. Those are the most stylish trees I have ever seen!