Me Amanda and Niki

Niki is the cutest!
On to the questions.. you guys are SO sweet! I have had soo much fun reading all of them. and I am going to jump right into answering them now! There will be two posts of the answers
1. KLC asked-“What did you go to school for? What type of work do you do? How do you manage to find so many fabulous dresses?”
I went to school originally for Accounting, and HATED it. I then switched to Computer Information Systems. I guess you can say I am a computer geek. haha. I actually changed my degree AGAIN to fashion merchandising, but in the end went back to Computer information systems. I still have 2 semesters left, but took time off to pay off student loans. I am looking into completing my degree online.
I currently work for my dad’s company as an analyst. We represent vendors in Walmart. The merchandise is NFL and NCAA- car flags, key chains, bumper stickers, etc.
haha, they find me! : ) haha no kidding, I am always looking for a new dress. I have to try on everything I buy, and will try on anything. Not everything looks good on a hanger, but it can look fabulous on! If it looks silly, at least you are in a closed dressing room and you can have a good laugh. ; )
2. Nataline asked- “How did you and Drew meet?”
In December of 2003 I got a job at JB Hunt. My first week of work I saw Drew in the office and asked my co worker and now good friend Shelly who he was and if he was single. : ) Well you could say I chased after him for a few weeks… I would ask him how to run this program at work even though I already knew how and what is funny is that he was wrong in how he told me to run it!haha… then he made the first move and asked me on a date. Drew and I went to Sho gun for our first date and he did not know I wasn’t 21 yet and when he ordered our drinks I was like ummmmmm. haha. so embarrassing! As silly as it sounds, I knew from the first date that Drew and I were going to have a future together, it just felt right! My grandma told me when I got the job at JB Hunt that she prayed I would find a great guy… well her prayers were definitely answered!
3. Lori asked- “Where do you get all of Sadie’s clothes?”
I get her clothes at lots of places. Walmart, Target, Petco, Pet Smart. We used to have this doggie boutique called, Woof Woof, but they closed down. Sadie gets a present every time I go out of town and its usually a Juicy doggie shirt. I always look up doggie boutiques when I am out of town as well. She is one spoiled girl : ) The most recent purchase was a cashmere Juicy sweater! SOOO cute!
4. Running in Stilettos asked- “Is that your natural hair color b/c it is the most fabulous shade of red I have ever seen!”
thank you! : ) Yes this is my natural hair color. I have never dyed it. When I was little I HATED it, but I think thats pretty normal. I love my hair now and take care of it as best I can, I see it as an accessory! : )
5. Jade asked- “What type of dog is that, and who came up with the wonderful ideas for your wedding pictures, was it the photographer, or you?”
Miss Sadie Jane is a Schnorkie- Half Mini Schnauzer, half Yorkie. They call her a designer breed. haha.
photographer absolutely gets all the credit for the creativity. She is SUCH a talent. She just asked me what I wanted pictures of and the look I was going for and went with it. It was almost like she read my mind!
6. Sarah asked- “Is your hair naturally curly and if not how the heck do you get it curled like that, it’s adorable!!! : )… I’d like styling tips please”
Thank you Sarah! My hair does have natural wave in it, especially in the back. I let my hair air dry for about 10 min before I even blowdry it or it would take me YEARS to blowdry! I then use a chi to straighten the back and my bangs. I use hot rollers to curl it and touch it up with a 3/4 inch barrel curling iron. I used to only use just a curling iron, but I have found hot rollers are not as hard on my hair.
7. LyndsAU- asked “If you had to pick one favorite part of your wedding day, what would it be and why??is Sadie married? if not Dansby would like to date her :)”
Oh gosh, thats a toughy. I have lots of favorite memories, but one really sticks out in my head. After we had the ceremony, we were walking back into the room with our stuff and I was so excited, I was walking really fast and then I hear Drew behind me say “Where is my wife?” and comes up behind me and slows me down. It was the first time I have heard him call me his wife. It was definitely a great moment.
haha Miss Sadie has lots of suitors, both my sisters have Male dogs. I think she would give Dansby a chance, but I think her heart will always be with Winston : )
8. CAMoore asked “please do tell…what are your favorite stores to shop??? (I know besides Masons….)!!!”
I shop everywhere! I have my go to places for all certain types of clothes. Jeans- Masons, Trendy and cheap- Forever 21 and sometimes Charollete Russe, a Unique find- Maude and Signature Style, A Splurge Dress- Lola. I am always looking in Dillards for cute pieces by Gianni Bini, BCBG generation and Max and Cleo… I love shopping at Bebe and Arden B for dresses, but we do not have either of those stores here in NWA, so I look online. I absolutely love Neimans and Nordstrom, but again we do not have those here. I used to not like Saks, but the one in NYC is my all time fav department store.
Online shopping-Shopbop.com, Chickdowntown.com, Edressme.com, and intermix.com.
9. Carolyn asked- “I want to know where you went to college and if that is where you met all your core friends (the ones that were in Dallas for the B. Party)”
I went to college at the University of Arkansas and that is where I met one of my best friends, Brittany. The rest of my friends I have met at past jobs and thru Drew.
10. Ashley asked -” I would like to know how the idea for Kitchen Queens came about. You girls look like you have so much fun!”
oh girl we do have lots of fun! My
sister and mom thought of the idea for Kitchen Queens. Our family will always think of a reason to have a party.(if you didnt notice haha) My mom and sister wanted to have monthy night where us girls could get together and meet new people while eating awesome food!
11. Mojito Maven asked- “What are your biggest strengths and weaknesses? Can you give us some beauty secrets?”
My strengths would have to be that I am very dedicated, a great listener and I love with every ounce of my heart. My weaknesses would have to be that I do not delegate well, I would rather just do it all myself which makes my plate way to full and I get my feelings hurt too easily.
oh goodness, beauty secrets, I am so flattered you even asked that! I definetly dont have any beauty secrets, I just try to drink lots of water, and exercise. I will say that when I whitened my teeth, it gave me so much more confidence! But I dont think teeth whitening is a secret haha!
12. Bethany asked- “What’s your favorite song of all time?”
oh wow another toughy! I love Sweet Child O mine and You shook me all night long.
13. My sister, Rachel, asked- “When are you going to start having children? How many dresses do you own? What is your most favorite piece of clothing you own? Who is your favorite sister? =)”
Drew and I are planning on trying late next year, so God willing, the first baby Gibson will be here 2011.
haha, so I counted my dresses last night and I have 194…. I think I have a problem…. : )
My favorite pieces(yes i cant pick just one) of clothing… hmmm I would have to say forever 21 skinny jeans, black fringe dress and my william rast jeans.
AND that last question is so not fair haha, so I am saying our adopted sister JESSICA! ; )
14. Lindsey asked- “What is your fave movie of all time? Favorite wedding memory?”
My favorite movies of all time would have to be Pretty Woman, and The Notebook.
Wedding memory see #7, you girls think a like! : )
15. Katy asked- “What does Sadie’s clothing collection really consist of? And how on earth do you always have perfect hair? I have oodles of hair, too, but I ALWAYS just put it in a ponytail since it’s so much of a hassle.”
Thank you Katy! I wouldnt say my hair looks perfect all the time, you should see it in the morning! haha! I give my mom’s good genes credit for my hair! : )
Sadie’s wardrobe, well in this case a picture is worth a 1000 words : )
I want to note that Sadie LOVES wearing clothes, so its not torture for her haha. She actually will not go outside if its cold and she doesnt have clothes on : )
16- Missy R asked- “For your bachelorette party you had the most adorable pink dress! Where did you purchase this?”
Thank you Missy! I got that dress at Nordstrom in Las Vegas a year ago. It’s an Alice and Olivia Dress. I saw it online prior to going to Vegas and went looking for it actually in gold. I found it hot pink and it was on sale! My dad bought it for me, he said if he won his next hand of black jack I could have it, and then he called me Paris Hilton when I wore it to dinner that night! haha. so funny
17.Maggie asked- “When are you going to start having children and what do you like on your hotdog?”
hahaha, you are too funny Maggie- Go see number 13 for question one and I like Ketchup and Mustard on my hot dog! haha
18. Haley asked- “Here’s my question: How do you stay so thin??”
First off, congrats on your wedding! Wedding planning is SOOOO much fun!
Thank you, I have been working out for 12 years. Started when I was in 8th grade and have been doing the same free weight workout since. I also run quite often. 3 years ago I was running 6 miles 6 days a week and got a serious case of shin splints! OUCH! I wouldnt suggest doing that at all. It was way to hard on my body. I run 4-5 days a week for 30-45 min. I hit the concrete outside during the warm months. I eat pretty healthy during the week and eat my splurge foods in moderation. I would rather eat a slice of cake and run that extra mile! : )
19.- Kate asked- “Someone already asked my question on one of the above comments, how do you make your hair look so good in every picture?….what products do you use?”
Thank you so much! I use Kerestase products on my hair. I think this shampoo is liquid gold. Its amazing! I also use their serum. I am not a fan of their conditioner so I use Nutrigloss, or Garnia conditioner. I also use Garnia hairspray and Big Sexy Hair hairspray.
20. Saucyminx asked “I see that you take pictures and post them in almost every post but you’re also in almost all of them- how do you convince the husband or whomever to take them for you?!?! Or do your friends also take lots of pictures and you swap around to get all of them? I always end up taking all my pics myself with one arm stretched out and I’m jeally of your paparazzi! ( :”
I ask Drew if he is the last resort to take pictures, he isnt a fan of it and usually someones head is cut off haha. Us girls take turns or we use my camera timer! I LOVE taking pictures of me and my friends and family! Its so much fun to look back upon!
21.- Jennifer asked- “What are your favorite clothing stores? Who cuts and styles your beautiful hair?”
Thanks Jennifer see #8 on my fav shopping spots. The beautiful
Taylor at Dead Swanky cuts my hair. She is such a doll! She is also kinda my therapist, I will tell her anything! haha Love her! She also cuts my little sisters hair. My older sister and mom also go to Dead Swanky and Samantha cuts their hair. Samantha did my hair on my wedding day.
22.Kristy asked- “I know Rachel posted (before #3) that all future children are named… so are yours too??**And when I’m in NWA for the Hogs game on the 4/5th- WHERE all do we need to go?”
Oh Kristy, Drew and I have been discussing baby names for awhile because he doesnt like anything! We do have a girl’s name picked out… (noone better steal this! : )) Blair Lillian Gibson Lillian is Drew’s grandmas first name. The boy’s name is still up in the air, we both like Jax William, but if my sister doesnt have a boy I may be stealing Rhett! : )
YEA! yes we would love to get together and meet you!! If you are looking for a nice dinner out with your husband, I would suggest Bordinos, since you are going to be in Fayetteville. If you like pasta, there is a place called Pesto Cafe that looks like a dump on the outside, but has great food. Also, there is a nice bar/restaurant called Theo’s that would be fun for us girls to meet at and have some great cocktails(they have a Materni-tini for Rachel-sans alcohol). The boys could go too!
This is so much fun! I will post the rest soon(the weather is supposed to get ugly tonight)! Hope you guys have a great Monday!
Fun post! I loved learning more about you!
OH my gosh I can’t decide who has more dresses, you or Sadie.:) I love that green and black outfit you have on in the first pictures.
194 dresses? Wow!!! I like these Q and A blogs…so neat!
I want a Schnorkie! Seeing all the pictures of your Sadie makes me want one so bad, but i think my cats might tear the poor thing up! HAHA!
love the post! great idea!!!
cute pics!! i love your hair!!
I saw that you said that woof woof went out. I know they moved from the Promenade to Tuscany square. Did they go out there also?
So glad you decided to do this with everyone else. It’s so fun to learn more about everyone and I’m a forever 21 lover as well 🙂
Great Q and A’s, can’t wait to see the rest!! : )
Such great answers…and now I am even more jealous that it is your natural hair color! And I’ll definitely be in touch about places to go when my hubby and I roll into town in Sept. for the Georgia Bulldogs game!
love your Q & A!!! great answers too 🙂 I think we share a dress obsession…I'm scared to count! Stay warm! xoxo
Ahhh, that explains it ALL. That is why your dog is soooo dern cute!!! I wrote a blog about Designer or Hybrid dogs. I was a little confused, now I know who to go to! Love IT!!!!!!
Loved all your answers!
WHAT?! You mean you don’t like the crout on your dog?!?!? Ahahahaha (J/K, me either; that stuff is NAS-TY!)
I loved reading your answers!!
I loved hearing all your answers! I agree with everyone your dress collection is pretty amazing!
Tara Lauren!! 194 dresses! I soooo trained you well! You have been a girly girl since the day you were born with, I might add, a ton of red hair that stuck straight up on the top of your head. You do your mama proud!
I cannot wait for the day I can count my dresses and have as many as you 🙂
This was so much fun reading! What a great idea. I’m just not sure I will get enough responses if I asked for questions … nor would I be as interesting as you 😉
It was great learning so much about you.
I had so much fun reading all about you! You are such a good blogger. I really need to get better 🙂 Have a wonderful week!
i love these kind of posts, you learn fun stuff about people that you otherwise wouldnt. great post and great questions!
Good answers!! 194, OMG!!!!!
haha this was a fun post to read! and Yes sorry Dansby but Winston is the only man for Sadie Jane! 🙂 He’s sitting here with me with missing her right now!
LOVE IT!!!! – adopted sister JESSICA! ; )
CUTE that was fun!!!
I just started reading your blog and love it! Cute layout and you and your hubby are adorable 🙂 I am becoming a follower!
Thanks for the info! Cute pictures!
That picture of Sadie is just PRICELESS. Glad I’m not the only one who shops for their pooch. 🙂
I just found your blog and it is too cute! I just love the title!
I enjoyed learning about you!