Last night was the Glass Slipper Event that i posted about the other day! I think it was a huge success! There was SO much stuff donated for the girls. The organization that started this in NWA is called Womanade. They are a bunch of incredible women that get together to do small things that make a BIG difference. My friend Niki and I are going to get involved in the Benton County group to help out the local schools. It is really neat how they go about helping these girls. They have a boutique set up with all the donated jewelry, dresses, shoes and etc for the girls to go shop at. Then on the day of the prom they have a beauty day to help the girls with their hair and makeup. So neat! I cant wait to get involved with this organization.
After the event Allison, Betsy(she is the designer of that awesome jewelry we modeled in that fashion show), Niki and I went to Joses for some yummy Mexican food and then out to Theos for a glass of wine. We had a great time!
The weather is absolutely beautiful today! With good weather brings Great shopping : ) It is supposed to rain sunday, but I am enjoying every second of this sunshine! So is Claire…. haha Claire Throwin the peace signHere are some pics from last night with my girls

Have a wonderful weekend everyone! I cant wait to go home and pop open an nice corona light with my hubs : )
I could soooooo use a margarita right about now!! Or a Corona light…or both. 🙂
Have a good weekend!
This weather is so awesome!!
Cute dress! 🙂
Great pictures!!! Loving the weather!!!!!
What a great thing you guys are doing! As always, love the pictures!
Glad to hear your weather is so nice – what a bonus!!
How awesome that the event went so well!! Love the pics!!
Have a good weekend!
i love ellen’s sense of humor. i laughed out loud when i heard that begin playing.
We had an organization like this for the girls at my high school.
People donated gently worn dresses to the cause so that the girls who couldn’t afford to shop at an expensive boutique could still look great at prom.
It’s great that you’re willing to help. That should be right up your alley. 🙂
LOL at Mesnicked! Oh my word!
Glass Slipper Event sounds like a great cause! and Mesnicked…hilarious!!
Love your B&W dress! And that girl is ADORABLE in her sunglasses. What a great event!!!
Looks like you had a great time! You look SO cute!
Oh my- Mesnicked has to be part of my vocab now 🙂
Since I have been sick I have been behind on your blog! ;( So fun catching up! And I love ellen too, she cracks me up! HAHA!
btw – your niece is too freaking cute! you are teaching her soooo well 🙂
So neat that you are so involved! Very cool! You all look so cute, yay for warm weather!
Sounds like a great time, and I’m loving Ellen!
Great pictures! I agree…this spring time weather is awesome! I’m so ready to wear sun dresses! Yay!!!
cute pics!!! I am loving the weather!! I also love your poll about watching the bachelor next season! I’m mad but I think Jillian is cute so I’m sure I will!