Oh Drew.. Drew.. Drew : )

My friend Allison, did a fun questioniare with her hubby on her blog to see how well he knows her. So I sent the same questions to Drew via email thinking he would just delete it and then give me a hard time about it tonight, but he sent it back after a couple of hours…

My answers are in parenthesis

What is your wife’s favorite……

Song- When a man loves a woman (ok back story time, this was the first song Drew and I danced too and it was “our song” for a couple of years, sweet he rememberd it, but still kinda funny….My fav song at the moment, Poker face and Radar)

Food- Good sushi (Half way right, I love sushi, but I also looooove Mexican food)

Color- green , hot pink, purple (blue and light pink)

Time of day- Wine time (this is hilarious! and so true)

Alcohol- Cosmo /Red Wine (red wine all the way, but i do like cosmos)

Store- Forever 21 (if he didnt get this right, i would have been shocked, there are 100 NEON yellow bags as we speak in my closet and not to mention tons of those clear hanger straps i always rip off haha )

City- New York (yep! good job!)

Candy- Candy Canes (right again! But I also love those Ferrero Rocher Hazlenut Chocolates yum!)

Flower- Carnation (HAHAHAHA!! Peonies drew! Did you not hear me during wedding planning time and how I HAD to have these !! duh!, haha…but I hear Carnations are making a come back ha!)

Holiday- Chrismas (LOOOVE Christmas time! everything about it!)

Restaurant- Mama’s Fish House (This is in Hawaii and they have the most amazing food EVER! SO GOOD)

Babe I think you get a B+


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