Want a Victoria’s Secret Angel Booty?

I DO! I DO! Haha……but first
Thank you all for your super sweet comments on the last post! You have no idea how much they brightened my day! : )

Back to the booty… I was watching E! news the other day and they had Marissa Miller’s trainer showing exercises for the gluteus maximus. I was of course intrigued when she mentioned that she trained Marissa, because c’mon, that girl has a rockin body! So I jumped down on the floor and started trying the three exercises she demonstrated. Drew always laughs at me because I am always doing some sort of exercise. haha. Let me tell you, you will feel these moves working and Mrs. Gibby’s booty is a tad sore today. : )
she is realllly thin, but you can tell she works out which I respect a lot!
I am going to try my best to describe them, and you will feel awkward doing them… but hey, no pain… no gain! lol
1. The push up leg cross (I made up names for them)
Get in the push up position and cross one leg over the other. Make sure you are squeezing your core and keeping your body level. Then lift the leg you crossed and pull it forward where you form a triangle with your stationary leg, then lower back. Do this on both legs.
2. The Leg Lift Dilly
Put your knees on the ground, lower yourself forward with both hands on the ground. Put your right leg straight out to the side then Lift that leg straight up where its level with your body and then bend it back and then straight back out to the back. Bring it back in and repeat. Do this one both legs.
3. Oblique Leg lift
sit down with your left left crossed to the back and your right leg crossed in front of you. Place your arms parallel (and bent) in front of your right knee. Lift your back left leg and bend it in towards your body and then straight out. You will feel your abs and side obliques burn on this one. Switch sides and repeat.
So with hard work maybe we all can have this…..

geez, the paparazzi these days! haha, I guess he was fond of Mrs. Miller’s booty too haha
Edit: I will try to take pics this weekend of how to do these exercises, plus the pics for my guest post.Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!!


30 thoughts on “Want a Victoria’s Secret Angel Booty?

  1. PinkSass

    First off – LOVE her. And I totally thought you zoomed in on her booty. hahahaha! I might go to youtube to see if they have a video of the workouts. Thanks!

  2. IRJessica

    Awesome. Just awesome. Do you think you could post photos of #1 and #3? I don’t know those at all! We used to call #2 donkey kicks, but your name is much nicer. ; )

  3. Shasta

    Great moves! That girl does have an amazing body and so do you! I love your sense of fashion, while maintaing a high standard of personal style.

    Have you ever taken a pic that isn’t gorgeous? Probably not!

    Your engagement pics are incredible! I was just telling Darling last night that we need to hire a photographer to come take pics of our family.

    Have a great weekend sweet girl!


  4. Maggie

    OK, you’re cracking me up with ‘the leg lifty dilly’ haha, that was too funny!!

    You should so do a vlog, to show the exercises (video blog) vs. pics – I bet you 10 bucks you can’t keep a straight face!! haha

  5. Jessica

    I’m back!!! I’ve been gone for a few days in San Diego. San Diego is so much fun and such a fab city. We spent most of our time one roof tops. So many resturant and clubs are on the roof tops. We went clubin’ on the roof tops of the Marriott, the W and the Hard Rock. After the girls NY trip and Las Vegas trip, we need to consider San Diego, its a fab city and it has a beach (beat of both worlds)!!!

    I’m so mad that I missed out on the race for the cure – wished I could have been there. What’s up for this weekend? Denny’s birthday is this Monday, 5/4/05 he will be 32. Saturday night we will go to dinner, maybe Crabby’s.

    I just thought of an idea. What are you doing for Cinco de Mayo? We need to have a Mexican night at Rachel’s – she love Mexican and we love margarita (ha ha)

  6. Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend

    Thanks for the information….great picture.
    Glad I found your blog.
    I enjoyed reading it.

    I am still very new to blgging,
    but so loving reading others stories.
    Everyone has a story and so many of them are so touching….
    Hope you will stop by for a visit.
    The May give-away has started and this month there will be 10 winners. I will be blogging from Disney World soon…

  7. yours truly...

    LOL!! I’m cracking up at your descriptions and names, and what is even funnier is me trying to do these excersises while I read your descriptions…not working! haha 🙂

    Hope you’ve had a great weekend girly!!

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