
When I was little, I was a big time tomboy. I collected baseball cards, played softball, and played video games(and I beat my dad at them haha). I did all these things with my dad. I was the pitcher on my softball team and every game my dad came to, I would strike out everyone! I went to the card shop with my dad everyday and I remember getting my first basketball card worth money and I immediately sold it, haha. Even though I discovered cheerleading in the 8th grade, I have always been a daddy’s girl. Love ya dad! We can rematch at Madden football any day you want, but I will still beat you. : )

our father daughter dance was to footloose! I grew up dancing to that!

In a couple years Drew will be a Father to our baby! That brings a huge smile to my face, but for now, he is a daddy to his most Favorite Girl… Sadie Jane : )

Happy Father’s Day! XOXO


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