Last night Drew and I had a date night at home. We cooked up some delicious gourmet burgers and had some wine. Of course we watched the Lakers game and boy did they whoop some booty. : ) Also yesterday I got to meet my friends new bundle of joy, miss avery. She is GORGEOUS! I didnt want to put her down. Everytime I get around a baby, Drews knows I will talk about us having one. One of his friends asked when we were going to start trying and Drew told him if it were up to me, we would already be trying : ) But, I forsee a Gibson baby in 2011, god willing. Drew and I talked names last night, which we have on many occasions. He does not like anything. We have already semi agreed on a girl name, but a boy name.. not even close. I am still pushing for Rhett, but Drew isnt loving it, maybe it will grow on him : ) Here are a few pics

our attempt at a family pic haha
Tmrw I have two wedding showers I am supposed to be at. I am still trying to figure out how I can be at two places at the same time. haha. We have some other fun things to do the rest of the weekend too. I wanted to send out a Congrats to Erin over at Blue Eyed Bride and her husband Todd on the arrival of their new baby boy! She posted a pic on her twitter so go over there and check out the handsome boy out! Congrats!!!
Have a wonderful weekend!! XOXO
awww so sweet! that pic of you and avery is soo cute! and yes sadie looks quite happy getting all of the attention for now=) good luck attending two showers at the same time=)! have a great weekend!!
You two are so cute! I love your current "baby". 2011 sounds good. We're going for 2012 I think. 🙂
My husband I do date nights at home too! They are lots of fun!
I can't wait till you do a have a baby! He/She will be one stylin tot!
Love date nights at home, Garth and I have one tonight. YAYAY!=)
Very cute! I like Rhett… maybe it will grow on him, like you said.
Have a great weekend!!
Aww… love the attempt at the family photo.. its hard to get the dogs to stay still, haha…. and yay for a baby gibby… xxooo
i swear you and i were separated at birth!! matt and i talk baby names a lot too – mainly ME just saying "what do you think abou this?" "what about that?" kind of conversation. we have agreed on middle names for both a boy and a girl (family names) we are the same – we like one girls name – but matt sounds like drew – he HATES all the boy names i come up with!
weve just gotta work on them!
have a great weekend girl!
So cute!! I'm right there with you, if I had my way we'd be trying to have a baby now too!! Maybe next year! : )
You are going to be one adorable mama and baby gibby will be the most stylish baby on the block 🙂 We are also thinking 2011, if not sooner! (*insert evil laugh* here 🙂
awww someone's looking very comfortable with a baby in her arms…… 🙂
I must say I'm a bit biased, but you should come to our shower. HAHA! No big deal if you don't make it, but I'd love to see ya! It's gonna be fun!
i love dinner nights at home and yay for babies!!
I love babies! Ok I love 2 or 3 years old & up the most, but he or she will grow fast. 🙂 Abby & I will baby sit! Although we don't go many places apart so we'll have mommy/kiddie days a lot more. 🙂 Can't wait to see pics from our photo shoot last night, see you soon! Love you!
I am baby crazy too!!! Seriously I get so excited! I think I would only want one because I am an only child- and I would not know how to raise brothers and sisters!!!lol. If you ever want to talk names- Im your girl. My girlfriend just names her little boy Trace- which I thought was supper cute. Also boy favorites Jaden & Westley (family name). Justin likes really unusual names his current favorite is Traverse (yep like traversing a mountain.) Boys are so funny about names. 🙂 Keep me in the loop witht he baby talk.