Busy BUSY BUSY! Thats what I am haha! I am in the processs of planning 3 different showers and having a blast thinking of neat ideas. This month I have 2 bachelorette parties and my bestie is coming into town next weekend! Then next month is my friend, Crystal’s, bridal shower that I am helping host. I thought of a 5th avenue theme for it and it’s going to be gorgeous. Then in October I am hosting a shower for Niki. She found out she is having another little boy earlier this week! I am super pumped about this one. It will be a nice change from all the girly showers I have been doing. So without furter adue, here is the fabulous bucket that I will be giving away! The winner will pick out what they want in the middle!

1. Post a comment about what makes YOU Fabulous, on either yesterday’s post or this one (ya dont have to do both)
We have some fun 4th of July plans, if the rain doesnt ruin them! Hope everyone is having a great day. XOXO

I think my family makes me fabulous!
That bucket is awesome!
What a great giveaway!!!=)
My fun-loving hubby makes me fabulous!
Hi Tara!
I'm already a follower to both you and your Mom's blog. Love her stuff! Hmmmmmm, what makes me fabulous? I think my classic, sophisticated and sometimes funky style make me fabulous!!!! And also the fact that this style has rubbed off onto my college aged daughter! HA!
How cute. My family and friends make me feel fabulous.
I am a follower here.
I already posted on the last one and linked you on my site, I just had to give a big thumbs up! Chandeliers AND aqua blue? love love love
Awe that is so so cute!!!
Im a follower, enter me… and the fact that you are my bloggy friend makes me fabulous!! xxooo
This is SO fun, and what a fabulous prize – much thanks to your crafty Momma!
I think that my outlook on life is what makes me SO very fabulous 🙂 I'm always very high energy, love creating things (or meals!) and making people laugh… one of the very best feelings ever!
And, just for extra spice, I think my little furry man, Max (and of course, the Hubs), always add to my fabulosoty, ha!
Arlynn of Fleur De Licious
p.s. Of course I'm a JCTS follower too 🙂
L.O.V.E. it!!!! it looks very TARAized!
I think what makes me fabulous is that finally, finally, FINALLY now that I turned 30 a few months ago, I am really believing that I am fabulous. It is sad that it has taken me 30 years to believe in myself but it is, well, FABULOUS that I finally am!
Hi Tara! Just wanted to let you know that I posted about the giveaway in my blog and you can see the entry here:
I am fabulous because I have red hair! 🙂
(I follow your blog already)
What an awesome giveaway! Thanks!
I am fabulous because of my fiance, family, and friends! And because I'm getting married in 93 days in Jamaica! = )
I am already a follower of yours.
I just became a follower of Scarlett Boutique.
Wooo hooo!!
So super cute!
I am fabulous because I have an amazing husband and two amazing furbabies who love me no matter what!
By the way, I'm already a follower of yours and I'm not one of your momma's blog as well!
I also posted about you today!
I am fabulous because I am a Momma to two amazing little girls and a baby angel!!!
I follow already and I posted about your giveaway on my blog!
This bucket is so cute!!! I love it!! Being a wife makes me fabulous! I have so many more domestic hobbies now and I love it!
I follow Scarlett Boutique.
Great prize… I think all things in my life make me fabulous, friends, family and co-workers. Just life !!!
I am posting about your giveaway tonight and I am a follower of your moms blog!
Being a fabulous wife is what makes me fabulous!
I posted about this on my blog:
Plus, I'm a follower now!
Yay! Awesome giveaway Tara…
I think my commitment to being a sincere and compassionate person is what makes me fabulous 🙂
I am a follower on here and now on Scarlett Boutique (both anonymously…so I hope that still counts!)
I also posted the giveaway plus a link on my latest blog entry:
I think what makes me fabulous, or at least I have been told, is that I am going to school to become a special education teacher.
I am a follower of both Scarlett Boutique and Jimmy Choos and Tennis Shoes.
And I posted a link about this giveaway on my blog. Thanks so much!
I'd love to win! I love being a fab wife and mommy!
I'm going to post about your giveaway in the morning!
I can make anything fun! That makes me fabulous! =]
btw.. I just became a follower!
I think the fact that my little nieces and nephews want to spend time with me makes me fabulous.
I found your blog a few weeks ago and love it! Great giveaway!
What makes me fabulous is my mad mommy and wife skills! Ha!
I became a follower of your blog!
I became a follower of Scarlett Boutique- amazing talent! WOW!
i think my goals make me fabulous!
im a follower.
i posted this on my blog sidebar.
I found your blog a little while ago & I love it. Officially becoming a follower 🙂
What makes me fabulous is… laughter. every situation is better if you can laugh about it. and laugh at yourself.
LOVE IT. Crossing fingers 😉
Did I enter yet…if not I want to….I follow both of your blogs! Love the bucket!
What makes me FABULOUS? LOL…. the people around me…. great family and friends. 🙂
What a fun blog! I am becoming a follower.
I think my humor makes me fabulous! And of course my friends 🙂
i now follow scarlett boutique!
I'm a follower to you & your mom! I'm new to blogging so if I can figure out how to post about your giveaway I will do that too. I think being nice and a good friend to everyone is what makes me fabulous 🙂
What makes me fabulous is being able to be myself!
I already follow your blog and your moms.
Being a Mommy makes me fabulous!
I'm a follower!
I was follow Scarlett Boutique!
Oh, I blogged too:
The thing that makes me fabulous is my two boys…or at least they are fabulous!
Fabulous=wife and soon-to-be mother of twins!
What makes me fabulous is my wonderful husband and adorable pug. 🙂
I'm a follower as well!
I am fabulous because I'm the only me 🙂
And that bucket is fabulous because it would be perfection in my kitchen!!!
Not sure how to become a follower… but I want to 🙂 Any help?
Heather Mann
I am fabulous because I got up early and ran 5 miles this morning and then made a fruit dessert for my husband's family 4th of July party! (First think I could think of!)
Love the bucket!
I am fabulous because God has blessed me with two beautiful girls and a wonderful husband!
I love the design, so cute! And what makes me fabulous? Well, I've only eaten 100 calories of candy today, way better than the normal 500 I normally average
Ok… figured out how to become a follower, so now I follow you and Scarlett Boutique 🙂 And now I'm fabulous for figuring that out all by myself… and figuring out how to add a profile pic, go me!!! 🙂
I am fab-u-lous because I found this blog with this bucket that I have to have! 🙂 Seriously though, where can I buy one? (if I dont win of course)
Ignore my last question, I found the buckets on the other site. So cute! I have my daughters nursery decorated in hot pink and chandeliers. Your blog background would match her nursery perfectly! 🙂 Glad I found your blog. I'm now following you and the boutique. Cant wait to see what else you guys have.
I might be the very last blog hog to enter your contest but i am fabulous becasue my First name is Allison, Last name Cole and i am here to make this flo…..
Tara Tara Mrs.Red Hair-aa
I need dat bucket…..
Thats all i could think of… ha
Being a mommy to two beautiful girls makes me fabulous!
I am a blog follower!
I am a follower of the Scarlett Boutique!
Sign me up! I'm a follower of your amazing blog!
Im a follower of both blogs…i always LOVE reading yours! =)
..and im fabulous because i blog!
What makes me fab? Hmmm.
Well….I'm a wife to an ADHD husband for 20 years (yes, it's a miracle I haven't killed him!!!) and a mama to three rockin cool teenagers who all live great lives of integrity and character…(in spite of any mom failureson my part)!!
I'm blessed beyond fabulousity!
oooohhh!!! so cute i want to win it!
My family (parent's, husband, and DOG!) makes me fabulous because of their fabulosity! 🙂
Super cute giveaway!!!
What a wonderful bucket!
I am now a follower of both blogs and what makes me fabulous if my wonderful hubby and preppy cockapoo!!!
My faith makes me fabulous!!!
Oh my goodness! I hope I didn't miss the deadline! I've been so out of the blogging loop lately. This is sooo adorable! Your Mom is so talented!
Ok, I am fabulous because.. due to my many years spent "roughing it" with my Mr. Outdoors Dad, I can cook a gourmet meal with only a campfire and an iron skillet. (And of course some food.. preferably from the grocery store and not the wilderness!)
And you know I'm already a follower! I will start following your Mom asap! Her stuff is so beautiful!
I'm a new follower! Love your blog! You always take such great pictures!!
Cute giveaway!! And I think the fact that I'm always smiling, laughing, and getting into something makes me fabulous!!
heres a link to my blog!
Whoo, I made it JUST in time! What a cute give-away. Loves! <3
Joining the bloggy world and being bloggy friends with Tara makes me fabulous. 🙂
And I am a follower of your blog!