Workout Wednesday and My First Giveaway!

Workout Wednesday is back! This past weekend I was on a running hiatus (I only ran for about 20 min the whole weekend!) since I was really sick. I am still getting over it, but I felt good enough to run yesterday.
So today lets talk Tennis Shoes! I have been thru numerous pairs in the past 10 years. I have tried lots of different types and styles and always go back to Asics. I am about to need another pair and I am tempted to try the new Under Armour and would love feedback if anyone has these running shoes. A good running shoe is key. Without the right support you will hurt yourself. I know this from experience! When I first started running I had some worn down running shoes and after about 6 months I developed shin splints. So now, I switch out my shoes every 5-6 months. Here are some of my reviews on a few pairs of Asics I have tried.

GEL-Kinetic™ 2- I bought this shoe last summer because I was running outside a lot. I was told it was the best shoe that Asics makes for pavement running. I did like the shoe, but found it to be pretty heavy and not comfortable due to the hard heel unit. I did not like this shoe on the treadmill.

GEL-Nimbus 11™- This is the shoe I have now. I actually didnt like them at first, but after I broke them in, they were great. It is a great shoe for stability.

GT-2130 and 2140- The 2130 was my very first pair of running shoes (after I got rid of the old ones) I really liked these and bought a few pairs after them and then they came out with the 2140 and I liked those even better! I would recommend these to any first time runner.

These are just a few I have tried. Here are 3 things that will help you find the best running shoe.

1. What type of shoe you want (running, walking, trail, pavement)
2.What your arch is (High, Normal, Flat)

3.What your pronation type is (I think this is the most important). See here for a guide to pronation. and here is a pic

It is time for Jimmy Choos and Tennis Shoes first GIVEAWAY!

The Gift will be coming from my mom’s boutique, Scarlett Boutique. She makes all these custom, handmade gifts that are beyond fab! You may have noticed in the Bree Bash post a gorgeous custom large bucket that we had our popcorn and chip cones in. Well the winner will receive one of these! The bucket’s design was based off my blog and the color is fun for summer! She will also paint a custom monogram as well. These are great for just about anything- ice, toys, towells, decoration, anything! There will also be a little surprise from Miss Sadie Jane Gibson. She has to be apart of this giveaway too! : ) I will post a picture of the bucket tomorrow!!!!! So stay tuned! But here is a pic of two my mom has done!

Here are the rules:

1. Post a comment about what makes YOU Fabulous, on this post or tomorrows.

2. Become a follower to Jimmy Choos and Tennis Shoes (or already you are a follower), get one more entry.

3. Become a follower to Scarlett Boutique (or already you are a follower), get one more entry.

4. Post about my giveaway on your blog and get 3 more entries!! Make sure you direct back to me and Scarlett Boutique, as well let me know that you did this so I can account for all your entries!!!

5. The giveaway will be open through Thursday July 9th – I will draw that following friday.


HAve a fabbbbbulous day everyone!


43 thoughts on “Workout Wednesday and My First Giveaway!

  1. the future mrs Hinz

    I am fabulous bc i am the very first one to post a comment on your fun give-away!!! 🙂 and bc im a skirt queen HA!

    i am a follower of yours and your mamas! i will post your giveaway on my blog! good luck with this – fun fun!

    see you in T minus…16days!

  2. Hillary

    Well, I wouldn't be the first to come right out and say why im fabulous… you could talk to the post over to get more of that…but I guess Im fab because Im related to hailey.. HA. I am a follower of you and you're mom..will be posting about this cute bucket shortly. Thank ya

  3. Melissa

    I'm fabulous because I'm a girly girl!! Ha! I'm a follower of yours and you momma! Her stuff is so cute!! Also, I linked to your giveaway on my left sidebar! Thanks girl!!

  4. Mrs. Dwiggins

    I'm Fabulous because of my amazing Husband & Son they make me Fabulous…there's nothing more FABULOUS then being a wife & mother!!!

    I posted, I'm following you & the Scarlett Boutique {which I love!}

    Thanks for the awesome Giveaway!

  5. LyndsAU

    I am fabulous because I am 6.5 months pregnant and refuse to give up my high heels! TIL THE END 🙂

    I am of course a follower and Sadie looks SO CUTE!

    PS–the Under Armour shoes are awesome. That is all I will ever buy since I have owned my first pair! GREAT for running! and last a while too!

  6. Mrs. Potts

    Me! I'm fabulous because I made it through the month of June. And it was ROUGH!

    I'm a loyal follower & am adding your giveaway to my sidebar.
    So cute!!

    I'm also an asics wearer myself. I don't steer too far from them. 🙂

  7. Natalie

    I'm fabulous because I love love LOVE being generous and surprising my friends with gifts/cards/etc! LOVE IT!

    I'm a loyal follower (on TWITTER TOO!) and I'm following your Mom as well!

    My Golden Retriever, Delilah, would LOVE a treat from Miss Sadie! OH how I hope I win – I LOVE the giveaway!

    Blogging about it NOW!

  8. Rachel

    Love your blog! 🙂

    And I've been a follower for a wile now! I'd love to enter your giveaway!

    What makes me fabulous… HMM… Well, I am strong in my beliefs. I say what I mean, and I mean what I say.

    Among other things 🙂

  9. Julianne and Greg

    I'm fabulous because my husband says so. They say the woman makes the man, and my man is great!

    I follow you & Scarlett Boutique and I'm adding your post to my blog (I'm a new blogger) now!

  10. Mrs. M

    Already a follower of both the blogs! I am fabulous because I treat my little Chihuahua Martini like he is my child.

  11. Constance

    I am fabulous because I just became a mommy! We adopted a newborn baby girl Kelsee 6 weeks ago and she has forever changed my life! She makes me fabulous!

    I have been a follower of yours for quite sometime, I read everyday! I am also a follower of Rachel & your mom!

    I don't have a blog yet, it is to be designed!

    Hope all is well with you & Drew & Ms. Sadie Jane too!


  12. Practically Perfect...

    Well, there are so many things that make me fabulous it'll be hard to narrow it down to just one, ha ha! Seriously though, being a nurse and taking care of others everyday is something that makes me feel fabulous. I'm also a follower, just became a follower of SB, and posted about the giveaway on my blog.

    Great giveaway!

  13. cassi rash

    Thank you for posting about the different types of running shoes. I am just getting ready to buy a pair and you saved me from having to do major research!

    Well, I think I am fabulous…this feels weird, but I guess because I generally try to love on most everyone who I come into contact with. I have a VERY outgoing personality (which I just recently learned it intimidating to some people).

    I am already a follower and just became a follower of your mom's blog. I LOVE the orange bucket she did. It's adorable! I will try and post about your giveaway on my blog tomorrow!

    Sorry I've been an MIA blogger lately!

  14. Mrs. Stethoscope

    I am fab …… wow that feels weird talking about myself, but I guess because I completed my first 5K last week!

    I am follower and I am posting about this on my blog now

  15. Stafford Wife

    I love your blog because you are a natural redhead like me so I think we're both fabulous! I am now a follower of yours and of Scarlett Boutique.

  16. Diane J.

    Okay, I'm a follower (by-the-way I love Asics, too). I just popped over and started following Scarlett Boutique, love her creations, very talented.

    Let's see, what makes me fabulous? Hmmmm, I love life. I love the adventures my kids (five boys) lead me on and I, well, I truly enjoy life.

    I love the pooch! She's so cute.

  17. Perfectly Imperfect

    Just stumbled upon your blog tonite from Practically Perfect. I love that you're a runner too! I love reading running blogs. I currently have Nike running shoes, but am starting to feel the burn that lets me know it's about time for some new ones. Looking for suggestions on which pair. I've heard a lot of good things about aasics.

    I'm a new follower. I look forward to coming back!

  18. Watkins Wackiness

    okay… i'm not sure if i am a follower or not but i check out your blog and your mother's blog every day!! I have even placed my first order with your mom this weekend!! I can't wait to get it!! I am fabulous because I am kicking ass at my job I have only been doing for a little over a year (and knew nothing about it when i started!!) I have won 2 huge awards and one even came with a $500 check (which i spent on dresses thanks to you Mrs Gibby!!)
    I have also started running… I've only been doing it for three weeks but it is addicting!!!

  19. mommara

    I am fabulous because I am funny. I think humor goes a long way.

    I am a follower of yours
    and a new follower of your mom's boutique. This is so sweet. Thanks so much

    🙂 3 for me!

  20. Lisa

    Well, you might think I'm FAB because I follow you, Rachael and your Mom (SB) AND did it before you asked =) I also just gave your talented mommy a shout out on my blog! Is it working??? lol ok, ok…
    I think I am FAB because I am a wonderful and loving friend, mother and wife. I always think of others before myself. I love life! ok, and The Bachelor/ette & F21 like you as well. HA!
    Have a great 4th weekend!

  21. Brittany

    I'm fabulous because I participated in Tara's "Fabulosity in Progress"…. lol. See, I'm fabulous because I have a silly sense of humor 🙂

    now, pick me! pick me!!! how many times can I re-post?! Does that help my odds?!!

  22. KR

    Going with the Work-Out Wednesday theme, I am fabulous because, even though I massively struggle with Sir Tredmill, I persist because I love my pink and green running shoes! I'm a follower, as well! Happy 4th!

  23. Lea Liz

    Love this giveaway, your momma has such talent!!

    I'm a follower to your blog and your mommas!!

    I am fab because of lots of things!!! haha Im fab for being a stay at home momma and housewife!!

  24. Whitney

    What a great giveaway! I'm fabulous because I'm 5'11 and I still rock the heels!
    I'm a follower and I'm headed over to check out Scarlett Boutique!

  25. Miss. Pretty

    I agree with Gingersnap..I would hate to be left out, ha! I'm doing all of the above 🙂 I love your mom's work!!! Sorry it took me for-ev-errrr to get around to commenting! Happy 4th of July!

  26. Cori

    I am FABulous because I just returned from Vegas and didnt lose any mulah! I am a follower of your blog and just became one of your Mom;s as well. Your blog is just great and I will definitely be adding a link to your giveaway on my page.

  27. Jeremiah & Lindsey Kindy

    I am FABULOUS because the drawing in on my 24th birthday and I deserve it! I LOOOOVVVVEEEE these buckets and think yalls blogs are so cute! I am following your blog as well as your moms! I will blog about your giveaway in about 2 minutes!!!!

    PICK ME!!

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