My hubs is turning 30 soon…..

and he got a scooter……

yes a suped up scooter haha. Drew had a motorcycle about 4 years ago. I was always scared that he was going to wreck the dangerous thing and guess what.. he did. He was extremely lucky that he didnt get seriously hurt, but he had horrible road rash and some skinned up knees. So when Drew told me he was going to get a scooter, my brother in law Shane and I said that it would be no time before he wrecked this thing. Shane gave him 2 weeks, I gave him 1 day… guess who was right… ME! Luckily once again, Drew didnt hurt himself bad. See Drew has no limits when it comes to toys like this, but I think he has a new appreciation for the scooter now that it has thrown him on the ground. At least lets hope so! Here are some pics of my hubs and his precious scooter : )

he is pretty proud : )
hope yall are having a great day! XOXO
Drew and I have been married 8 months today! Time is flying by!

35 thoughts on “My hubs is turning 30 soon…..

  1. Chloe

    LOL! DH wants a motorcycle sooo bad, but we keep disagreeing on the kind. He wants a crotch rocket (nooooo) and I like the more classic looking bikes. I'm also terrified that he's going to hurt himself, so I think an actual motorcycle is a long ways off. I hope.

    Happy almost 30th birthday to Drew!

  2. CAMoore

    boys and their toys….

    speaking of Drew…I swear I saw him on one of those scooters cops use at football games this past weekend at the Farmers Market? Was that him??

  3. brooke

    haha…this is awesome and i love it!! i think c and i will always be kids at heart and i definitely think it is the best way to go through life…my daughter has a pink unmotorized barbie scooter and if we are outside you better believe i am all of the driveway in that thing…haha i like to race it around c's truck…yes i am 8 like that!

    glad he wasn't hurt too badly…in either accident!! what a blessing!

  4. jlc

    Awww!!! My hubster had a motorcycle for 2 years.. then I made him sell it before iraq… we're lookin for a new one though!!

    ahhh men and their bikes!!! You should def surprise him with a new one for the big 3-0!!!

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  6. Chic Runner

    My brother had a scooter back in high school and it scared the crap out of me! ha ha good luck and it's so cute that he loves it so much. Glad he didn't get too hurt. 🙂

  7. Jessica

    That's a funny looking scooter – you don't even sit down on it. Have you been on it yet? It looks like fun – I want to try it.

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