From the Heart……

Looking at the calender I cannot believe its already March. 2010 is flying by! Then I got to thinking I am going to be 27 this year… WHHHAT?! I also thought about my original plan… you know the one where you want to be married by this age (mine was 25) have kids by this age(mine is 27!) But not all things go according to “the plan.” There are bumps in the road.

I feel like time is going by so fast and I just want it to SLOW down. That would mean that I would have to slow down, which is about impossible haha. Over the past couple of months I have had some major stresses and have had to come to grips with some things. It has humbled me. I have learned who I can really trust in my life and who my real friends are. I am so blessed to have such an amazing family. Without them I dont know what I would do or who I would be.

I have always had a huge giving heart and I get my feelings hurt pretty easily. Over the last few years I have learned to take things with stride and to always be the bigger person. We all know that is NOT the easiest thing to do. 2010 has not started like I have wanted it too and God has tested me plenty of times. I know I need to spend more time with him and continue to pray he will lead me (and Drew) on the right path.

I cant believe Drew and I have been together for seven years. Seven years of SO many obstacles. You can read about our biggest one here. Drew and I have always leaned on each other for support. He is my rock and I know he loves me unconditionally (even when I have my stubborn fits : )) We can accomplish anything together.

I know I have a very blessed life, but my life isnt perfect and I hope I dont paint the picture that it is. I try to keep everything positive on my blog, but I promise my life isnt all sequins and glitter. : ) So here is to the rest of 2010!!!!! Thanks for listening to me today, will be back with a my usual cheerful posts tmrw! : )



31 thoughts on “From the Heart……

  1. The New Mrs

    I love this post and i love your honesty. What doesn't kill you, only makes you stronger. And you can get through anything with a great support system that you have in Drew and your family! Hang in there doll!

  2. Mrs. A

    great post Tara your honesty is refreshing. I'm glad that you see your trials as just that trials you can overcome! You'll get where you want to be hang in there.

  3. Aly

    I haven't been reading for that long, but what I just love about your blog is that you come across as a person with such a positive outlook on life. I think that everyone realizes nobody has a perfect life, and we all go through tough times, but I just sincerely enjoy the cheerful, pleasant spin you seem to put on everything that comes your way. You are absolutely adorable and it's clear that you have an incredible family, hubs, and pup – so hang in there! 🙂

  4. pocket full of pink

    I love this post so much. Sometimes I fear that I paint a perfect picture on my blog too, but reality is that NO ONE's life is perfect and I just love focusing on the positive things more than the negative. The blessings really do outshine the bad when we pay more attention to them. So excited to see what God has in store for you and your sweet hubby this year!

  5. Lauren

    Thanks for posting this. It's all a realization that no matter what we go through, God will be there & he does have a plan for us!

  6. Kaley

    This is a wonderful post. I've been reading you blog for a few months now and I always look forward to your upbeat and fun posts. Thank you for opening up in a different way and keep your head up. You seem like a strong woman who can handle whatever comes your way.

  7. Patience

    Thank you for such an honest post. You have a fabulous family and an uber supportive husband, I will be praying for you and I hope the rest of 2010 gets better.

  8. Bumpkin on a Swing

    Okay I could comment like everyone else about your honesty, which I truly love that about you, it's always there, not just in the post above, but here's what I have to say?


    We love you Tara Happy Beautiful, Fashionable, Giving Gibson!
    Don't you dare forget it!

  9. Suzanne

    Life isn't a Disney movie, but as long as your have people in your life who you love, trust and make you laugh, it's about as close as it can get without having talking woodland creatures 😉 Have a good day, Doll!

  10. Pammy Ponders @ Reflectorville

    what a heart-felt post. I hope whoever is testing your patience/stregnth gives up soon! I had never seen that post before abou your hubs.. well done for being so strong. I don't have a faith but you seem to take a lot of resolve from yours, good on you for that. If only life was alwasy sequence and glitter! x

  11. Sherrie

    I know how scary it is to get that call. My dh was having chest pains several years ago. I got a call from him during my prep period at school that he had driven himself to the ER (we lived just minutes away at our former house). I was pregnant at the time with my second son. God bless my parents because I think my dad came and got Ben from daycare so I could pick up Greg. He found out that he had an enlarged heart and has never had problems since. It was a scary experience for both of us.

  12. mrs. darling

    such a beautiful post, tara. this is EXACTLY what i am dealing with now and you're right…it's difficult, humbling and beautiful to see the Lord work in our life. thanks for your honesty!

  13. Melissa

    I like that you keep it real… I think you should do it more often actually. I guess that isn't the tone of your blog, but still… it's nice to be honest and be "real" every now and then.

    Good luck with the rest of the year. I hope it works out great for you!!!

  14. Karah

    I can totally relate to your post. I know God has wonderful things in store for you and your family. Hang in there. I think you are FABULOUS!! 🙂

  15. GingerSnap

    It's ok to feel that way and to take a moment to contemplate things. I know how you feel. Life really doesn't follow any plan…it does its own thing with reckless abandon for anything else. But you are very blessed, like me, to have a loving wonderful Husband and family. Just know that we all feel like this every now and again – and even though life can't be all sequins all the time (shame really) it does have its sparkling moments. You are a very positive and outgoing person (from what I can tell) and I just know you will find the best in everything 🙂 God Bless. 🙂

  16. Rachel

    You are an awesome girl. 🙂 And I hadn't read the other post before, but I just read it. You are an AMAZING woman!!! You can hang in there with the best!

  17. ~Mrs. Guru~

    I think your a great person and I I am praying for you guys. Life is hard but God is good. Everything he puts us through he knows about. He walks with us side by side even during the hard times. Praying for you.

  18. Jessica

    Never regret a day in your life. Good days give you happiness. Bad days give you experience. Both are essential in life.. all are God's blessings.

  19. Jennifer

    Girl I had the exact same goals! I will also be 27 this year and I'm constantly reminded that I'm no where near where I would like to be. But God is in control and we are really just living his plans so I just take it one day at a time and enjoy this ride I'm on.

  20. Kaz and Amy

    I know exactly what you mean…I just found your blog and I love it! I'm now a follower!
    Our life hasn't been the way we planned either but we are trying everyday to trust in the Lord's plan for our life…I know it's not easy though. I'm praying for you and Drew. Hang in there!


  21. GamecockQueen

    Oh wow, just read the post from 2009 about all the scares w/ your hubby. Y'all have been through a lot of hard times for sure. I love your faith through all of them!

    And yeah the timeline…LOL…mine hasn't gone exactly as planned either…always always always thought I'd be married by now the whole time I was growing up…but it's looking like I'll be 26 and still single this year (been through more than my fair share of dissapointments and losers)…and surprisingly, I'm OK w/ it!

  22. Kyle

    Great post! I've had to stop setting milestones for my life because sometimes they don't work out. I will say that all my worrying I did at 22 did me no good. I am more happy and sucessful that I would have ever imagined back then. Just trust in your faith, and things will have a way of working themselves out.

  23. What's New with Mrs.T

    Keep your head up chicky!!!! Wow I just read your post about Drew. Those tough times do bring you closer to your husband. Im so glad that he is okay. I love reading your blog, your sense of style and your fabulous parties you put together :O)

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