Jake puts a Ring on it

So this season is FINALLY over! haha thank goodness…

We start off with Jake talking about how he is SO in love with both girls… and how he is on the edge of finding his wife… anyone else find something wrong with that? He explains Tenley as “perfect”, “too good to be true” yaddy yadda. Then Vienna basically makes him hot… very hot.

So Jake goes to meet his family in a bright corally shirt and they have a tearful reunion. He immediately tells the family about both girls. And the dummy tells his family that Vienna was not liked in the house and mama Jake was NOT happy. The first “DOH” moment of the episode. Jake was kicking himself for revealing this information and was mad that his family already had formed an opinion of Vienna… haha but we will return to that later.

So its Tenley’s turn to meet the family and boy do they LOVE her. She arrives with a huge bouquet of flowers and her perfectly curled hair. This girl must have some emotional power over people because in the first five minutes of her being there everyone is crying! Mama Jake takes Miss Tenley off to the side to make sure she gets a long with girls. She says that the women are the glue to hold the family together and as she is explaining they both start crying again. Tenley decides to tell her about her marriage past and thats how she handles conflict well.. hmmm ok. Back inside the sister in laws see what everyone else in America sees, this girl is perfect for you… she is you Jake but a girl. Next Tenley talks to the daddy and she completely wins him over as he echos mom’s praises “I think I met my future daughter in law” Jake tells his mama that he isnt sure about Tenley because she has never rough housed with him, so he solves this problem by making her jump into the pool.. Well I can say she had already made a splash with this family. Jake’s mom thinks she is “perfect” for jake and “this other woman must be something pretty special” hahaha oh lordy

Next up Vienna! She shows up with some fruit basket in hand, NICE and walks into the dog pin. Jake tells us that Vienna just needs to be the girl he fell in in love with, it would be nice if ABC had showed us this girl you feel in love with. Immediately Vienna screws this visit up by being extremely tacky and abrasive. She reveals to the family that all the girls hated her.. giggle, giggle. You could FEEL the awkwardness from the family. So lets go eat. At dinner the sister in law brings up the girls again and if she had trouble getting along with the other girls and she just stares at her plate, giggles, and says “I mean, a little” DOHHHHH! This girl is just hopeless. She explains that the reason why is that she is brutally honest. She throws in there that Tenley is a robot! MAN ALIVE help this girl. So sister in law number one asks if she is pretty and Vienna says yes and then she asks if she looks fat in her outfit and Vienna says “yes….hahahah kidding” I mean come on Vienna, we know the bleach is not getting to your brain, because girlfriend your roots are out to play! Vienna is obviously not as confident as usual and when the family asks her what she likes about Jake she mutters “he is sweet.. or he can be” Mama Jake is NOT liking this and immediately pulls Jake aside to let him know she just doesnt like this girl and she is worried. Jake is pretty much on the defense and sticks up for his “lady” love.

Jake goes outside with his brothers and they tell him that Vienna is basically immature, well duh. Then on the other side the sister in laws are grilling Vienna with lots of questions. Immature answer after immature answer and somehow this girl pulls the wool over this families eyes and they end up liking this girl. How in the heck did this happen? Well mama Jake pulls Vienna off to the side next and Vienna is shaking in her boots. Outside Laura and Lindsey tell Jake that they think Vienna brings out the best in Jake and then Laura starts to cry for judging this girl. HOLD UP, did we miss something here? Oh but it gets better, Vienna has won over mama Jake! I feel like my head is spinning. The date ends by Jake telling the family that thank goodness yall are pretty cool…. oh bless her heart.

Next up is the Last Chance Dances and Vienna is up first. Surprisingly Vienna was not excited about their date…. hanging out in a disgustingly smelly sulfur spring. GROSS! How can it be romantic when everything smells like rotten eggs. YUCK. Well they jump in and start rubbing smelly mud all over each other. I mean it just gets more and more ridiculous. I felt like I should not be watching. Thank goodness there were no hunters out there,they may have though they were big foot and big foots girlfriend frolicking out there. After they wash off they head back to Vienna’s place. Before Jake arrives she prepares her present for him. She wants to give him the ring her daddy gave her to promise she will never elope again. I wonder if that thing has a GPS device in it? Jake arrives they talk about her past “marriage” and how disappointed her dad was in herself and how that experience helped her mature and grow up…. really? really? So this prompts them to go lay down in bed. She gives him the ring and they makeout. They break apart finally and start to cuddle, as Jake is playing with Vienna’s weave he tells her that he cant believe this is their last date. I think I heart Vienna’s heart stop when he said this.. he recovers by saying “well in this journey” Vienna ends this date pretty scared.

The next day its Tenley’s turn. They meet at the docks and head out on a yacht to snorkel! They seemed to be having a great time and then the date takes a turn for the worse. As they are cuddling on the boat Jake asks Tenley if it concerns here that their physical chemistry is not quite as hot as their emotional. He further elaborates and says the doesnt mean sexual just crazy passionate love.. ummm Jake that makes not a lick of sense! Tenley is obviously alarmed by this, poor girl. Jake tells her they have heat its just not moving as fast and Tenley replies that she thinks that is how its supposed to be. I know this girl cried over this, they just didnt show us. Basically Jake is thinking about Vienna during this date and Tenley knows it. After this awful encounter Tenely has to suck it up for Jake to come to her place. Tenley had obviously had a glass of wine (or two) before Jake arrives. Girl I would have had a bottle and used the bottle to hit Jake on the head with! kidding : ) Kinda of. Jake arrives and he tells us that maybe he is just trying to find something wrong with Tenley because she is so perfect for him. He sorta kinda saves the situation by telling Tenley that he loves her smile, eyes, etc and that he can be completely honest with her…. foreshadowing much. They go lay down for some cuddle time and she gives him a photo collage and tells Jake that she loves him. As the camera pans back, Tenley tells us in a voice over that she is going to show Jake that their chemistry is real in every single way….

The next day Jake is torn. He is in love with two girls. Neil Lane shows up with a bling briefcase and asks Jake about the girl and Jake tells him that he just hasnt made his decision yet so he decides to take two rings, the princess for Vienna and the round for Tenley. As Jake is making his decision he says that one girl has his heart more than the other. ANNNND how are you ready to propose to someone?

The decision time has come and the Bachelor’s favorite transportation is bringing in the first girl. No surprise to anyone, Tenley arrives. She is looking drop dead gorgeous and this girl has the prettiest tan ever. She makes her way to Jake and in the first minute of being there she knows its not her. Tenley stays as dignified as ever and handles the rejection with class. Man I am waiting for the season where the rejected girl gives the bachelor a swift kick or maybe a slap to the face. Poor girl, I really felt bad for her : (

Next up is the moment noone has been waiting for. Vienna arrives looking the best she has ever looked in a one shoulder teal gown and she has obviously gotten her make up done. Jake starts off by giving Vienna back her daddy ring which makes Vienna think she is not the one but Jake cant hold it in any longer and tells Vienna he loves her and drops down to his knee. She accepts the gorgeous ring and Onnn the wiings of LOOOOOOOVE starts to play. oh geeeeeeez!

On ATFR Tenley holds it together when she sees Jake but the girl still doesnt get any answers and Vienna comes out looking rather different in the face. Eyebrows? Thinner? hair parted different? all i know is she looked different and their HOT passion seemed to be left at the door too. Too make matters more unbearable we find out that Jake will be on DWTS… i almost cried. At least the rest of the DWTS cast is pretty great! Jeffrey osborne makes a surprise appearance and sings the theme song of the season. Well I dont know about yall,but I am glad this is OVER.

Until next time…. which is Alli’s season… is anyone else ready for someone NEW?!?!?



16 thoughts on “Jake puts a Ring on it

  1. Aly

    Ohh Tara!! Again, your recap is HILARIOUS!!! Wonderful job!

    I'm glad this over, but figures, we have to see the gold-digging Vienna sitting in the audience of DWTS for the next 2 months! (Insert eye roll here!)

    Yes, Vienna looked different- I was thinking a nose job? Slimmer face? Professional makeup done? Who knows….

    Sooooo glad to hear that my girl Ali is the next Bachelorette! She looked FAB-U-LOUS last night! Loved the dress and earrings!

  2. Dollface

    I knew you would have plenty to say on the show!! hahaha… please enter my giveaway, they do doggie bows for sadie too!! xxxoo

  3. Lauren

    I couldn't even handle watching this season, it was all I could do to survive your recaps without gagging at all the cheesiness that went on in that house. Thanks for your recaps though…it's always hilarious to hear how ridiculous this show is!!! Let's definitely move on to something else…and soon!

  4. Melissa and Cas

    Vienna did look much better when she came out last night. Her hair looked so bad on the show, it was two different colors and looked dry. I think Tenley would have fit better in the family!

  5. Kelli

    I am so glad this season is OVER!! I think it was one of the most awkward seasons yet! Vienna did look different last night. Her nose and hair looked different to me.

  6. Maggie

    I gotta hand it to ABC… they get the gold on editing skills!! Vienna's meet and greet was the most brutal thing I think I've ever watched in the history of the Bach(ette). OMG, that girl is BEYOND immature. I mean, I just wanted to slap her and say, "Compose yourself, sit up straight, stop w/ the 3rd grade giggling, and say SOMETHING appropriate while your there, PUH-LEASE for your own sake!!" I mean, at a few points, she didn't even answer their questions. All we get is crickets and a little giggling and looking at Jake like she's in High School. BAD… really, really BAAAAAAAAD. So, the fact that she SOMEHOW won that fam over, is beyond me… serious editing, ABC. Thanks alot.

    I really felt bad for Tenley, too. Poor girl. I would have known in the boat that he wasn't going to pick me. Not sure I could have even gone through w/ the rest of it. And I CERTAINLY wouldn't be showing him our 'chemistry was real in every single way' after that!

    The show went completely downhill when it was Vienna's turn to talk to Jake at the end. Him giving her ring back… completely botched. That could have been endearing/memorable/sweet, but Jakey needs some serious help in the communication dept. I mean, that entire segment was just not what I expected, I guess.

    I noticed she looked different at the ATFR, too. WAY different. I couldn't for the life of me put my finger on what it was. I also thought their little spark had kind of dwindled down. And, her eyes… crazy! lol Then that serenade, and his DWTS announcement. The whole thing was beyond ridiculous, and I am sooo glad this season is over.

    Very excited about Ali's season!!

  7. kelly at keeping up with kelly

    1st off LOVE LOVE your recaps, they are great!!!

    I cannot believe he picked her over the sweet, caring, everyone loves Tenley………..I cried for her when he rejected her. Poor sweetie, hope she finds love

    And Jake on DWTS, that means we get to see more of HER……..Yikes!!!

    Cannot wait for the bachelorette

  8. The New Mrs

    I AM WITH YOU! I am waiting for the season when the rejected girl punches him in the face or kicks him in the balls. You just got dumped after you thought you were going to be engaged, get mad! Haha.

  9. Ashley

    I love reading your blog, but your pink color is so bright it hurts my eyes and gives me headaches. Does anyone else experience this? I don't want to stop reading!

  10. GamecockQueen

    Yes, Tenley is gorgeous and oh my that tan is great. You are soo funny!! Great post. I was dissapointed in this season, it was just kind of stupid, but oh well. LOL

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