Weekend fun and Murder Mystery Party!

Hey guys! Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!

Friday afternoon we headed to the pool again with Amanda. Got some more sweet pictures of the kids!

Friday night we headed out for a little girls night. We always have a blast!

sadie cracks me up in this one

Saturday was the murdery mystery party! The party was at “Margaritaland!” My character was Starr Bright. She was a hollywood starlet that was hiding from the paprazzi. Kristy was Candy Cotton, a billionaires girlfriend and Jess was kylie kocktail, a cocktail waitress. We had a blast dressing our parts and the party was tons of fun

the birds were cracking us up

the party hostesses

too funny : )
Have a fabulous week guys!


10 thoughts on “Weekend fun and Murder Mystery Party!

  1. Laurel

    You are wearing my all time favorite dress!~9 The whole reason I started following your blog isI saw a pic with that dress in it. lol

  2. Sassy

    Y'all always have the best themes for your parties! I'm so jealous that you're friends are so into it- I would be the only one dressed up (boo party poopers!)

    P.S. Lovin' that six-pack. Woot woot!


  3. ashley

    Hey lady. So I've recently become obbsessed with your blog. I'm now a loyal follower. Come be my friend too. xoxoxoxo

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