RiffRaff Giveaway!!!!!!

Well hello guys! Do I have something sparkly, gorgeous and fabulous today! I am hosting a giveaway for the uber fabulous Riffraff! The absolutely gorgeous owner Kirsten (<——- see to the right..adorable right? : )) contacted me and was oh so generous enough to give away a GOOORGeous necklace. I’m talking FABulous girls. Facebook has become a very popular outlet for retail. The great thing about Riffraff is that they ship their clothing, jewelry and accessories for only $6 nationwide! So not only do us girls in Arkansas get to shop here, all of YOU can too!
I could go on and on about this store but what better way to describe Riffraff then use Kirstin’s own words- “A charming boutique to suit all budgets, Riffraff has quickly become a must see for those with an eye for style and originality. Step inside, where you will find a variety of ever changing vignettes of hand-painted furniture, women’s apparel, vintage finds, jewelry and accessories, fabulous gifts, art and eclectic home accents.

Rffraff, we host over 190 local artisans who sell their hand-made one-of-a-kind treasures. β€œMama said: You’ll never make it so just buy it” has become our go to motto and it is uttered daily within our walls by inspired customers from all over. We certainly have more than a few “to-die-for” and “just gotta-have it” items. In fact, new merchandise arrives every day!

What, you may ask, entices women all over the south to travel to shop here and keeps them coming back for more? Many say it is the welcoming atmosphere, personalized service and honest advice they receive from the Riffraff staff. Come check it out for yourself and see what all the fuss is about. You are sure to leave looking and feeling better than you came!

After reading that, I know you are already in love with this store, So lets get to business…. ; )

1. To get one entry in this giveaway you need to click right —–> here and “Like” the Riffraff facebook page. You are missing out on lots of delicious things if you don’t. Who likes to be the last person to find out about something fabulous… I know NONE of my readers do… so hurry your little tushes up and head on over there. Now if you don’t have facebook, go here and become a follower of their blog. Leave me a comment and let me know you did.
2. To get TWO entries post about this on your blog and/or twitter. We are feeling generous so if you do BOTH, you get FOUR entries. Again leave me a link to let me know you spread the news.

Its a win win here people. You get to become a “Fan” of a super fabulous store and get the opportunity to buy fabulous items all while entering a giveaway to win a beautiful necklace!

With all this talk about the “prize” lets get to the pictures shall we.

First up…… a look around this ADORable store

and some of the fabulous pieces they have right now…

and NOW what you are entering to win…… L O V E

drooling yet ?!? ; )
So the winner will be announced next Thursday. So get to “likin” and “friendin” and “postin” pretty girls. Who is gonna win?!?
Have a fab friday!


54 thoughts on “RiffRaff Giveaway!!!!!!

  1. Kristin Davidson

    I already like Rifraff (ha in real life & on FB), now following the blog, & I tweeted. Whoot whoot! Gorgeous necklace, love it! Kirsten beautiful pic! PS need that red dress for real. Love ya, happy Good Friday & Easter everyone!

  2. Whitney

    You know I LOVE RiffRaff. I've liked them on Facebook, follow their blog (even link to it on my own, follow them on Twitter and have tweeted about this giveaway.


  3. Katie

    I LOVE this necklace!! I liked them on facebook and I am following their blog- What a cute store- Wish I lived closer to it- I'm posting about it on my blog! Thanks Tara- Great Givaway!

  4. LBP

    Hello Tara!!! Just wanted to say that I have "liked" Riffraff on Facebook but I would LOVE to win the necklace! I also blogged about the necklace and your fabulous blog! Take a look! http://www.table4one-lbp.blogspot.com Not to mention…..I tweeted too! Follow me @lbptable4one

    Have a Fabulous Friday

  5. Katie Jordan

    I liked RiffRaff on Facebook last week when you posted about it. I've already bought several items, and I am thrilled that you shared this gem with us!

  6. Julie

    Cutest store!! Liked them on facebook, became a follower of their blog, AND posted a blog about them! Hope I win! πŸ™‚ Thanks for doing this!

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