Busy Bee!

hey hey guys! SO sorry i have been such an awful blogger! I have been extremely busy this week getting ready for my moms party saturday. Its coming together quite fabulously. I adore the color scheme and have been constantly working on it. Below is a little sneak peak of whats to come on saturday!

1.fur runners
2.cement candle holder i painted and added the embellishments
3. The Beginnings of the Keep Calm Dry Erase board favors
4. the GORG arrangement(its CRAZY tall!)
Miss Sadie Jane has a lot of explaining to do. I wish dogs could talk sometimes haha. Well There has been this handsome little black dog that has been escaping his yard and is showing up at our house. He showed up last sunday and then monday morning Sadie was barking and whining early in the morning. I thought she may of had a bad dream or was scared of the thunderstorm. Well I then noticed some of the whining was coming from outside and the black dog was BACK! he was soaking wet and cold but obviously wanted to come see Sadie haha. I dried him him off and luckily his owner was driving around looking for him. WELLL last night he returned again! It must be sadie’s long eyelashes reeling him in haha. I have decided to name him Prince Henry : ) Sadie Jane has a boyfriend haha

AND my best friend Kristy got engaged over the weekend! I am so thrilled of her and and cant wait to be her matron of honor next year. Her fiance pulled out ALL the stops for their engagement.. I am talking trip to Napa, proposal at the Half Moon Ritz Carlton on the beach, a professional photog there to capture the moment… talk about Amazing! I get chills thinking about it. Go here to see the video. Its awesome!
Congrats Kristy! LOVE YOU!
Hope everyone is having a great week! XOXO


4 thoughts on “Busy Bee!

  1. Courtney

    Congrats to your best friend! I bet you will do an awesome hob playing the role of matron of honor!
    And your mom's party is looking good, can't wait to see the pictures

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