
Having great girlfriends can be hard to find. I have always been one to let people “in” fairly quickly. Have I gotten burned because so… Yes. Do I regret it..  No.

I think being open to new friendships has taught me more about myself. You learn what type of people you want to include in your life and who brings out the best in yourself. My friends have always been part of my family. We have regular girls nights, we are always there for each other, and we know when to just shut up and listen : ) Through the years, friends have come and go and all has been for the best. I feel like I have such a fabulous core group of girls around me now. We all sincerely care about each other. One thing I just cant wait for, is for all of us to start having kids! I cant even imagine how much fun we are going to have : )

Love you girls to the moon!!!!

Have a great day guys XOXO


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