Baby Gibby Update

We are 16 weeks Yall!

Hey Dolls! We are at the 4 month mark and I cant hardly believe it! 
Gender- ITS  A GIRL! (like ya didnt know haha)  Below is the Gender Reveal video 🙂

Weight Gain/Loss- Put back on the 2lbs I lost and an extra one. 🙂 Baby Gibby is growing strong. I am still in my normal jeans and clothes but plan on getting one of those belly bans soon.
Fit Mama- Still shooting for 3-4 days a week walks on the treadmill and light weights. 
Symptoms- Starting to see the light! I am still battling headaches and some nausea, but I have good days and bad days. I try to take naps when I feel one coming on and that seems to help
Cravings- Still fruit, orange juice and big salads. I love lifesavers and mint tic tacs for some reason too haha. Mexican food is still a no no as well as BBQ. 
Mama Moment- Finding out it was a girl. I cherish the relationship I have with my mom and I hope my daughter and I have the exact same thing. Also last night she was moving so much and I just sat there with the biggest grin on my face. 
Dreaming about- Having Olivia here on Christmas! I LOVE Christmas time and this year we are going to have a sweet little princess! ::swoon::
Funny Moment- My older sister has gone mad. haha. The day after we announced we were having a little girl, she went on a big shopping spree for Livie Mae. She texted me all sorts of pretties she ordered. Its safe to say this little miss will be spoiled rotten. 
Have a Great day!!!

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5 thoughts on “Baby Gibby Update

  1. Laura

    I'm one of your newest followers! Congrats on having a girl. Of course, I'm partial, but having a Baby Girl is the most fun evah!

  2. Megan

    Congratulations! My BFF just recently went through her first pregnancy and it is rough! Love your look here 🙂

    xo Megan,

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