August 6th-9th I went to NYC with one of my best friends and her daughter. We had a blast!! It was their first time to go to NYC and my second. We went and saw Legally Blonde on Broadway (I watched every episode of the MTV show) and we got to meet Elle Woods, Bailey Hanks, herself. I rode on my first subway, went and saw the Statue of Liberty, bought my wedding shoes! (Jimmy Choos of course ; ) ) and indulged in lots of good food and wine. We even rode in one of those bike taxis AND we got hit by a car while we were in it! NUTS! We all really enjoyed ourselves and I cant wait to go back! Below are lots of pics from the trip!

These pictures are so fun, I miss the City SO bad! I have spent many summers/years in NJ, NY, Queens, Long Island, etc, but the City is my favorite place on earth!
And that first picture has Claire written all over it!!!
LOVE MISS LIBERTY!! That is hilarious!! I hate you that you went to NY without us…I am sure Kristen would not be as much fun after a few lemon drops!!
Hi, thanks so much for stopping by my blog…now I feel like I know the whole fam! 😉 I added you to my blogroll b/c it just wouldn’t be complete without both sisters and the sister in law!
Gotta run…promised I wouldn’t even check my blog while I’m in Vegas and I’m so cheating!!! 🙂
Welcome to the blogosphere!
I love your blog! Too cute! Are you getting it “pimped” by the lady that did Rachels? Can’t wait to keep up with it!
Those pictures make me want to go there so bad…maybe one day!