A cookout turned Spy mission

Yea for a relaxing fun weekend! I hope everyone else had a wonderful weekend too!
Friday night Drew and I went over to our friends house, The coles, for a cookout. Boy have these cookouts changed haha, there are just as many kids these days as adults and I love it! Allie and I have our doggy kids for now, but it is so great to have all the little ones around. One of our friends just had a sweet baby girl, Layla. I loved seeing Drew hold her, he is a natural ; ) Yeah I think have baby fever. : ) We ate lots of yummy food and had some great cocktails. Alan got allison a Snuggie for Vday and she got it out and we all took pictures in it..haha.. I officially want a snuggie! Later in the night, Crystal, Allie and I went into Allie’s closet and had a mini fashion show, and of course we took pictures. Then the guys decided to go down to look at a house John built, and us girls got the bright idea to get dressed in black and go spy on them. haha. I think it was the mojitos thinking for us at this point. Even though I am obsessed with crime shows like CSI Miami, I definitely don’t have a career in it, I blew our cover in the first 5 min by laughing. ; )It was a really fun night and I cant wait for the spring weather to stick around so we can have more of these fun nights! Here are some pics from that night.

rainbow of girls : )

miss brooklyn.. looove her hair : )
me, allie and sarah

allie and I and our kids!

mel and me

how stinkin precious is this! : )

fashion show haha

allie has got some pretty maxi dresses : )

love it

crys is always camera ready ; )

drew is over pictures at this point

nice face babe

the snuggie

work it

spy mission

allie is so funny
Saturday I went shopping with my friend Kristy and that night we watched some chick flicks and hung out. Sunday was a typical day in the Gibson household…. Drew played video games, I worked out and played with Sadie and we had an early dinner at Outback. So the weekend was nice and Relaxing!
Hope everyone has a great week and dont forget to wear your green tmrw!


24 thoughts on “A cookout turned Spy mission

  1. PLD

    Hilarious, looks like you had a great time! Too funny, great shots! I am also a huge fan of CSI – all versions!

  2. CTB

    Those really are some great maxi dresses! Y’all should have made one out of the snuggie! Sounds like a great weekend.

  3. Bethany

    Cute! Looks fun!

    We played dress up at our house on Friday night too. 🙂

    Gosh, I can’t believe how big Brooklyn is…and I thought Kelsey’s hair was red!!!

  4. Bama Belle...

    You gals are too cute! Love all the pics. And why is it that crime shows like CSI make it look sooo easy to be super stealth yet we can’t act stealth for more than 30 seconds? oops! Thanks for the foot well wishes. I’m going to stay off of it for a bit so I can let it heal. xxoo

  5. Mrs. Cole

    The brown dress and pale floral dress are from Signature Style- Orange/red polka dot from Forever 21!! That night was so much fun! The spy mission was unsuccessful to say the least and i got a grass stain on my jeans. ha

  6. Dollface

    Love the title!! Just came across your blog and fell in love, I cant wait to read more. So hard to incorporate Jimmy Choos with your man’s sneaker style, haha xoxo

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