So another night of Dancing with the Stars! Is it just me or are there more bad people than good this year? Also am I am the only one that gets the urge to go take dance lessons after each show? One day I will talk Drew into it.. one day : ) For now I will continue dancing in my living room while Sadie gives me the “mama your nuts” eyes. ha! 

oh sadie jane, your life is just so rough haha : )
Well I am going to just talk about the few that stood out and then recap more when its down the final 6.. sound good?
Melissa and Tony- Flipidedoda (i know its not a word but its perfect! ; )) I was holding my breath every time tony flipped Mel in some weird way. I think my mouth was wide open the whole time, with the occasional gasp coming out haha. It was pretty amazing what they did and Melissa looked adorable! I am a fan of this Lindyhop dance : )
Gilles and Cheryl- Tommy boy said it all.. That was FIERCE! WOW! You could fry bacon on that dance floor after these two! He was rocking that slicked back hair and looked like a pro out there. These two are a standout and will continue on being that way
Lil Kim and Derrik- These two could flick their legs with the best of them. They looked as if they were one across the dance floor and then that lift where Lil Kim seemed to float in the sky… ….Sensual and Passionate indeed.
Ty and Chelsie- LOVE these two. I really think Chelsie should get a huge pat on the back for turning this cute cowboy into a dancer! She seems like an phenomenal teacher and Ty, as scared as he looks out there, is just plain adorable!
Bad costumes of the night…
Shawn and Mark… American Gladiators much? Hmm what would their names be Shawn-Beam and Mark-Twinkle Toes… kidding kidding : )
and Chuck and Julianne- Did anyone want a milk shake after seeing their costumes : )
So on to the next topic.. The UPS Man.
Am I alone or is it just so much fun getting a package in the mail even though you paid for it? haha. I wonder how many UPS men see girls eyes light up when they open the door to sign for the package? You know that feeling like when you were a child on Christmas Day! haha… ok now I am just being ridiculous ; )
and last, but not least, the lovely Mrs.Classic has asked me to do a guest post on her blog about my workout! I am so flattered she asked me and will let yall know when she posts it!!
Have a great Tuesday everyone!!!

I love getting stuff in the mail! It’s so much fun!
I heart getting mail!! That is the best thing ever 🙂
haha I was just watching Ellen and this is what she said in her opening : “I love getting mail. I’m not really into email. But mail is awesome, especially in the Spring because the mailman (or in your case UPS man) wears shorts!!!” hahaha
I love Melissa and Giles.. and you already saw my post about Julianne and Chuck.. 🙂 have a great day!
i haven’t been able to keep up w/ dwts this season b/c we got rid of our dvr. i really am sad that i’m missing out though!
thanks for the sweet comment on my jamaica post. i got my bathing suit at victoria’s secret!!!
oooooo I’m so excited to see your guest post!!!! I need help!
Um, I LOVE getting packages. I make LC check the mailbox every day. Ha! Now, since he thinks I spend “too” much, I’ve started having them mailed to the office. I love it when the assistant comes back here with my packages!
Was Samantha driving you crazy last night? Seriously, why do they keep her around?!?!
I LOVE getting packages! Even when I pay for them HAH!
I, too, love getting stuff in the mail. I’m like a little kid. I get so excited, even if I already know what it is!
As for DWTS, I loved Melissa and Tony last night, and Cheryl and Gilles. We know who the top 2 are! I love how great Lil Kim and Derek get along. They’re so cute! I love the show.
As usual, I agree with you 100%! Love Mel, she is rocking it!
I get SOOO excited when the UPS truck comes to my house! 🙂
Sadie is looking ever so *fabulous* in her latest pic!
i am loving all the DWTS peeps you posted about. Melissa is still my fave 🙂 can’t wait for your guest post 🙂
I am so excited for ups packages to come too! I love signing for them at work. I only got 1/2 of dwts last night because my box messed up the last half. LAME!
Guest Blogger! How fabulous are you!??!
Hope you’re having a great day lady!
Packages in the mail make me smile!
Melissa is my fav for dancing with the stars. I missed it last night so thanks for the recap!
Oh and I wanted to tell you: in response to your comment on my blog. Sister, if anybody could pull off a jumpsuit it’s you, and you would make it look fabulous! Next time you wear yours please post pictures!
I never thought about why I am excited to get something I paid for.. but I certainly do LOVE it when the UPS man comes to my door!
SO right about more bad than good on DWTS this year, for sure!
And after all that went down with this past season’s Bachelor – I adore Melissa – yay for her!!!
Sadie Jane is so cute!! And Eric says the same thing to our dogs all the time, when he’s rubbing their bellies. What a hard life 🙂
Most of the time when the UPS man comes to my door it is something for work =(!! Just because of this post – I am going to go order something =)!
definitely love getting packages or mail 🙂 oh it’s been too long! ha! and I agree with your DWTS recap!
mail is ALWAYS fun! and YAY for guest blogging – cant wait to read all of your workout tips!
Ahh I love DWTS! I can’t decide who’s my fav…Melissa, Shawn, or Gilles!
I love the UPS man!! I need to order something now 🙂
Love your DWTS post!
That soooo reminds me of the Legally Blonde scene…. what was it bend and snap!!!
Pleaseeeee tell me you know what I’m talking about!
So fun about the guest post – hope to get some cool work out tips. Getting mail is great!!! I already have my eyes on a new purse and sunglasses that I will need to order in the mail. I never get to see my UPC man, but I love coming home to a new package on my front door step.
ooh, can’t wait to read your guest post!
How fun that you are going to guest post! Can’t wait to see it! 🙂
Haha, I think I am almost on a first-name basis with the UPS guy…maybe I should cut back on the online shopping? Nah!
I am so excited for your guest post! I can’t wait to see what you will share with us.
I almost never get anything from the ups man but luckily this week I have a new duvet cover coming!!
I LOVE getting packages too…ahh the UPS man.. Ill confess though when i read your title on my blog roll for a min i thought you were going to tell us all about how the UPS man caught you Maybe another day!! =)
I love to DVR the show, then play it while dancing with my 3 year old. She loves it! She has my and hubby dip her, spin her around, and even tries the high kick during a dip. It’s hilarious and tons of fun!
I love getting stuff in the mail too!