Thursday Talk

So last week I kept a bottle of red wine in my car… B A D idea. I will admit the thought did run thru my mind that it may or may not explode due to the extreme heat, but I didnt think it would if it was in the shade. WRONG. When I got in my car after work, I smelt something funny and then when i turned the corner… :gook gook gook:(ya know, the sound of RED wine coming out of a bottle!) I immediately pulled over and found that red wine had covered my trunk. SO VERY lucky that I have one of those mats down and it didnt ruin a thing(besides by vera bradley bag) I almost had a heart attack! SO DONT leave wine in your car when its hot outside, the cork WILL explode off!

of course I couldnt do a post without a dress in it : ) OUT OF CONTROL! 🙂

Charlie and Jade dress I found on ebay! The colors are SO pretty in person. Cant wait to wear it this fall or maybe with some sassy heels on a cool summer night (thats wishful thinking in this 100 degree weather) You can buy this here.

I had a maxionista momment yesterday lol. My mom ALWAYS finds hidden treasures there and I rarely do. but I found this very virbrant dress that I am sure to sport at the beach! The ruffles on the back are ADORABLE!

I got some great feedback on the Game Day clothes post I did a week ago. I will be doing more schools in the future and of course posting more Razorback red for us Arkansas girls : )
Well I guess I am kinda boring today haha. We are getting ready for our beach trip so we are BUSY BUSY! Have a great day guys!


3 thoughts on “Thursday Talk

  1. Faith ♥ Love ♥ Lipgloss

    OMG!!! I did the exact same thing today – except mine was a bottle of moscato in the front seat of my car still in the bag thank god! The cork popped right out and half the bottle was in the bag but a little got on my seat. Too funny!

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