New Fun Pics!

Hey yall! sorry for the late post today. My hubs had his out patient surgery on his defibrillator. He had to get the battery changed and it went great! I always get super nervous and anxious, but God was good and it all went well!

We did get our moving announcement pics today! I thought I would share a few with you. We wanted some casual fun ones in our house and I just love them. We will forever how memories of when we first moved in

Hopefully tmrw Football Friday will come as scheduled, if not i apologize in advance! It all depends on how the hubs is 🙂


5 thoughts on “New Fun Pics!

  1. Morgan Neal

    Prayers for your hubs. Your pics are too cute! Congrats on the new house! Come say hello to another gal from Arkansas at


  2. Loveleigh Me

    Your house looks beautiful – love the Chevron! (I actually just did a post on Chevron) 🙂


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