Movie Night!!!!

Once a month a bunch of us girls get together and go see a chick flick and go out to eat and drink some..LOTS of wine. This month’s movie was “Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2” It was a pretty good movie, I liked the first one better, but thats usually how it goes! But, the movie makes want to go to Greece soooo bad! We ate at PF Changs and we of course got the odd waitress…. Rachel said it best “Well isnt she a ball of personality!” haha It’s almost impossible to get a good waitress/waiter these days. Next month we are going to see “The Women.” I am so excited about that movie!

my mom, me and my sister Rachel

at pf changs with Jessica!

being silly


4 thoughts on “Movie Night!!!!

  1. Rebecca Taylor

    Hey! I just found your blog on Chapters. Wedding planning was so much fun for me, but being married is SO much better! 🙂 Today is my three month wedding anniversary. Have a wonderful time finishing up all of your plans!

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